Saturday, December 29, 2012


What a fun word....Smorgasbord...(meaning extensive variety) thought it was a fitting word as I've much to say.

My blog went dark during the month of December (very unintentionally) as there was much to do for the holidays.  It's the same old problem. . . juggling "it all" Work, friends, family, going to the gym, worrying about the diet, writing the blog, writing my book and top it off with the holidays, hosting 30-40 people on Christmas Eve, quick clean up and cooking for 10 people on Christmas day.  Sure it would be a piece of cake if I was a super celebrity, I'd have a staff to do it all for me. But It's just me. Though I have to give a huge shout out to my cousin Megan whom I could not pull it off without her. She puts the tree up for me every year and and is a huge help, so Thank you Megan.

Ok, so, how did I do during the holidays with the eating?  Well, not bad but not great. This is ok.  I gave myself permisson to enjoy the holidays and I did, I ate what I wanted and yes, I at a little too much, but I maintained my weight so there is a huge success.  New Years Eve is approaching again, party at my house, we are going to order chinese and play games, I'll have what I feel like but then it's back to it and I'm confident.  It's almost like phase two. 

Phase one was successful, I learned my limits, I learned to make exercise a routine, I learned to say now, now phase two is here, this is it.  I need to lose 40 pounds for sure (though, I got a great compliment at Christmas, a friend of mine said I didn't need to lose anymore. Thanks for that but I want to).  I may want to lose more than the 40 but we will see. 

Normally I bake tons and tons of cookies, pass them out to neighbors, friends etc. But this year I stopped at only 5 kinds.  I mentioned learning my limits.  Well with the added nights at the dance studio for Lauren, my nights at the gym, Matthews new wrestling schedule, I had to accept the fact that I could not do the baking that I've done in the past, nor did I want all the extra stress or cookies in the house.  So I'm sorry to all of those who have gotten used to the box of cookies but it just wasn't feasible this year. 

I learned this holiday season to send food home, anyone who wants a plate take it...get it out of the house.  That cuts back on the amount of bad stuff hanging around

Even though I managed to maintain my weight, eating holiday food and cookies and candy just isn't as enjoyable makes me feel fat and bloated and downright crappy.  I almost feel now like I need to detox........drink lots and lots of water, eat lots of fruit, I feel like I need to get all the "bad" stuff out of my system. 

It hit me this morning...there are only a few months to go before I start thinking about having to buy shorts and I got rid of all the shorts this past fall so I need to hit this goal so I can go shopping.

January 1st is in a few days, you will start to see many weight loss commercials on's my advice....don't make a resolution, it doesn't work, just make a lifestyle change, one you can live with. A reasonable and realistic approach is best.  Did I expect to lost almost 60 pounds this year? Nope, did I hope to lose more, of course, but in the end, I will take what I lost and accept that I am a normal person and have set out on this journey living life as a normal person,, one who attends parties, and goes out to eat and is learning every day.  So if this takes me two years, so be it.  I'm in much better shape today than I was one year ago.

Happy New Year to everyone and I look forward to continuing this journey with you by my side.

Wishing you all the best in 2013

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

I survived Thanksgiving and I'm stuck

Decided to combine two blogs today.  First I survived Thanksgiving.

The plan was simple, eat what you want don't deprive. I followed that plan but was concious of what I was doing at the same time, I definately ate a bit differently from past years. I only had one roll and my slice of triple chocolate cream pie was probably the tiniest piece of pie I ever attempted to eat.  I did have two helpings of stuffing. Hey, I'm not a saint.  Something new and different for me this  year....I sent tons of stuff home with my guests. The less laying around the house the better.

That being said, I'm stuck.  Stuck at 56 pounds. I had really hoped to lose all of my 100 by new years. I was hoping it would only take a year.  I can't dwell on that and let and let it ruin what I've accomplished. If I start dwelling on what I didn't accomplish I'll slip back.  Instead I'm focusing on what I did accomplish so instead of saying I only lost 56 pounds, I need to say, hey I lost 56 pounds. that's 56 boxes of butter or small cans of crisco. And hey, I started exercising and going to the gym. I wear a smaller size.  These are all great things and big accomplishments.

So as my one year journey approaches I will celebrate what I've accomplished and set my new goal. I only need to lose 44 pounds by April.  That's a far better number than I started out with. 

I do think it's time for the dreaded food journal though.  I'm never good with those things but I'm going to give it my best shot!

And another's been said that the average person gains 7-10 pounds during the holiday season, well there's another positive because that won't be me this year.

Patience + A Positive Attitude = SUCCESS

Monday, November 19, 2012

The little things that amuse me

It's always the little things that amuse me. Traveling on this journey doesn't always have to be so serious, it's important to remember to be able to laugh at yourself.

For instance, driving home the other night I used my left and to rub my right arm for some reason, I don't know why, but while I rubbed my arm I felt something strange, I remember saying to myself "what the hell". Well, I'll be....what I felt was a muscle!  Imagine that.  These workouts at the gym are actually paying off.  I'm actually able to feel and see a sculpted bicep.  Of course I spend the whole day going around asking people to touch it.  I guess I just needed a little confirmation that I wasn't imagining this.

Tonight I had to laugh out loud. I was cashing out a purchase at Walgreens with my daughter.  The gentlemen looked at us and said "Are you sisters?"  I couldn't help but to laugh and say no, I'm her Mom.  He said "oh, you look alike, so I knew you were related."  That is the first time something like that has happened to me.

Looks like the money spent at the gym is a good investment.


I felt deep sadness and a little bit of guilt when I learned that Hostess was going out of business.  I was sad because Hostess was such a part of my childhood, Suzy Q's, Hostess Cupcakes, Twinkies, Snowballs, Ho Ho's, well, I just can't tell you how many times they served as breakfast for me when i was in High School.  There was a deep rooted attachment.

I felt guilt because all I could think of was now that I  no longer eat Hostess products, is it possible that I single handedly put them out of business? Was I responsible for all those people who will lose their jobs. 

Every time I see a girl that I think is way too thin I say to myself she needs to eat a twinkie.  Guess I'll have to come up with something new to say.

I went to the grocery store to buy a box of Twinkies, I was going to pass them out at Thanksgiving and they were all gone, a mad rush on Twinkies, who would have thought.

In all seriousness, I do hope that Hostess can work something out or be bought by another company who will keep the products we all grew up with alive for the next generation.

Remember eat your Hostess products in moderation.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Catching Up

Hi Ya'll!  It's been a bit since I've been able to blog.  Taking some time tonight to catch you up on what's been going on.

Total Weight Loss is 56lbs and holding. Weight is starting to come off much slower now but that's ok, as long as the numbers on the scale are not moving up we are doing just fine. Slow and steady wins the race.

I've been taking writing classes. I've finally decided what I want to be when I grow up and that is a writer.  Some of you know and many of you don't but I think now is a good time to tell everyone...I've started writing a book.  The book is about the struggles of being overweight and the journey to The Road To Thin.  The book will be complete when I reach my final goal.  That's all I'll say for now about that.

I am faithfully going to the gym and I love it!  I just get a kick out of saying "I'm headed to the gym"  Never in a million years did I think that would be me.  The weather is pretty crappy tonight and it would have been a great night to stay in but I still went to the gym. 

I survived Halloween!  I bought candy that I didn't like to give out to the trick or treaters and I have not raided my childrens bags.  I had two pieces of candy and called it a day. 

I had two awesome compliments tonight. My son gave me a hug and said to me "Mom, you're getting so skinny I can put my arms all the way around you now and I couldn't do that before."  I tell you, that sure made my night. I have always loved hugs but I love them so much more now because I can tell the difference when I get a hug, people really can reach all the way around and give a better hug.

The other really awesome thing that made my night was when my daughter told me tonight on the way home from dance that her friend saw me walk into the dance studio and said to her "is that  your mom?"  Lauren said yes and her friend said "she looks good".  First of all for my teenage daughter to share that information was huge and for her equally teenage friend to say that to her well, I'm so glad.  We all know the sense of pride we feel when someone randomly compliments the people we love.

Thanksgiving is in two weeks, I'm feeling pretty confident about how I will handle the holiday. 

These days if you are looking for me you can find me either at work, the dance studio, or the gym.

Have a great week!

Welcome to all my new readers, a special hello to the reader in Russia!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Personal Trainer

Today was an experience. As I posted yesterday, I finally joined a gym. With my membership I get a session with a Personal Trainer.  I met with my Trainer today, Steve.  Steve was awesome. He made me feel very comfortable.  We did baseline measurements and I'll be seeing him again in a month to check on my progress.  He gave me a work out plan for upper and lower body. We worked on things like gluts, triceps, biceps and more. All things I never cared to think about before; words that were never in my vocabulary until today.    I will be doing the workout program he "prescribed" and I can't wait to see how my body transforms.

It's a far cry from walking, this is definately the next level and I am pumped.

Welcome to my reader from France!

Saturday, October 20, 2012


Just finished my first Zumba class. Did I love it?  I liked it...I could learn to love it though. I've never sweated so much in  my life.  I held my own for not ever having done it before.  There were all different levels, there was another first timer in the class.  I did not feel uncomfortable or out of place.  Once I learn all the moves and get a little more coordinated, I know I'll be loving it.

Now off to shower...I feel totally gross!

PS  I love 426 Fitness!  Staff is so awesome!

Food Dreams

I had the strangest dream last night. . . I dreamt that I was in Vienna Bakery (Vienna is a bakery the next town over from me, probably the best bakery here in the east bay but it does not rival the bakery's where I grew up).  Anyway, as I walked into the door I noticed they had the most beautiful Easter display with all kinds of beautifully decorated chocolate. There was a box of Ferro Roche Chocolate decorated in pinks and purples and yellow. 

Inside their glass case were things that I've never seen there before things like a macaroon bar (which looked like a magic cookie), some kind of blueberry cake thing, and these absolutely gorgeous cakes that were shaped and decorated to look like those Russian nesting dolls.

So why is it that I've come so far overcoming so many food obstacles only to have a dream about all this delicious goodness?  This I can't explain. I can only say that I'll be heading to the gym this morning and not to Vienna Bakery!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Journey to the Gym

There is a chill in the air, it's getting darker earlier and it's almost time to change the clocks.  I'm about ready to kiss my long walks goodbye.

This does not mean that I will no longer be exercising. No this means that it's time for the next level. It's time to kick it up a notch and joing the gym.

Walking did me good, it did the job it was supposed to, it got me into an exercise routine and it really helped me. When the weather turns again, I'll gladly add walking back into my routine, I really enjoy it, but for now I'm absolutely excited to say that I belong to a gym.

Yes, me, can you believe it?  I joined 426 Fitness, close to home, treadmills, weight training, classes, oh my.  I love this place (did I just say that?), tonight I went in and Paul showed me around and made me feel at home.  There's a ladies only room, there are many classes to choose from in fact, I'm going to take two classes on Saturday, a rowing class and some new african dance exercise called Safari.

It's like Christmas morning!  And for those of you who know me really well, I'm sure right about now you're wondering who the hec this girl is writing this blog. No I have not been abducted by aliens, it's me the same old clutzy uncordinated Lisa. Just a braver, more fit version.

I have to admit that I was nervous walking into a gym, it seems as if gyms are filled with healthy, fit, beautiful people.  I spoke with Paul, told him where I've been and where I wanted to go and he joined in my excitment. I really feel welcome here, they have a lot to offer and hell, get this....I've got a few sessions with a personal trainor lined up. Yep, I am on my way to reaching my goal.

In other new pants are already big on me.  Better get that belt out again.

Also....Welcome to my reader in Thailand!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

My talking scale

Believe it or not my scale talks to me. Okay, not really talks in a communicative type of way but the numbers on the scale talk to me. They tell me when I've done the right things and the wrong things.

I loved what the scale had to tell me today. I got on in the usuall manner, the same time as every day. I stood there wondering where I was at. When the numbers on the scale finally stopped moving I couldn't believe my eyes. . . FOUR POUNDS.  Yes, F O U R (4).

Looks like all this walking is paying off.  This brings my total weight lose to 56 pounds.  I like that number. It looks good on paper (or the screen), it's an even number (which ya'll know by now that I love even numbers) and it's only 4 pounds away from 60. 

It's a good feeling to know that I am more than half way towards my goal.

It was a big jump and I can't wait to get out there for tonights walk.

Oh, and welcome to a new reader in France!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Dear Carbs

Dear Carbs,

It is with a heavy heart that I must tell you that we need to cool our relationship even more.   I know that I have been avoiding you as much as I can but I have reached a point in my life where I wish to spend even less time with you. There is no easy way to say this so I will just come out and say are bad for me.

We used to be hot and heavy three times a day whether it was bread, pasta, pototoes, muffins or some other form of delicious goodness that you infiltrated my life with.

I have to tell you that we can no longer see each other three times a day on a regular basis. I am downgrading our relationship to one meal a day, most likely at lunch.  Perhaps on special occasions I'll let you tag along for an extra meal but I need to make every effort from here on out to see you at only one meal a day.

Please do not take this personal,  it's not you, it's me.  So after our delicious pasta dinner tonight please plan on spending less time with me.


A person who needs to reach her goal more quickly.

Phase Two

When I started this weight loss journey at 100 pounds to lose I never dreamed of all the things I would accomplish. What has helped keep me going is breaking that ultra large number into small attainable goals.  Now that 52 pounds have been lost (and never to be found again, like the city of Atlantis) I am moving into phase two.

Phase two is going to be much more difficult than phase one.  I am at the point where I have to now start really looking at what I eat and I also have to start adding some different kind of exercises to my routine. Up to now portion control was the key but to lose the remainder I must make some more adjustments, adding more fruits and veggies and cutting back on my beloved carbs.

I am also going to need take a look at my schedule week to week. I am a bit more stressed out than usual with a new school schedule for my High Schooler and the fact that she needs to be at dance 6 nights a week, this means more meals on the road or better planning. I myself will be taking some classes so I need to avoid the stress eating that has sabotaged me in the past. 

So careful thought and planning is what I need to get me through phase two. The plan is to hit that 100 pound mark and then take a look at where I'm at and see if I need and/or want to go for any more. If I decided to go any further than 100 it will be no more than 50.  We shall see at that point.

So, phase two here I come.

And WELCOME to my new reader from Vietnam!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Officially more than half way and holidays

My scale was very kind to me this told me that I have lost another 2 pounds. This makes me offically more than half way to my goal.  I'm completely amazed at myself for coming this far.

The new jeans I've bought are already starting to get loose and that is crazy because I haven't lost a ton of weight since I've purchased them but I guess with exercising I must be creating muscle, losing inches and the body continues to change.  The body really is an amazing machine.

I have to be honest, I'm starting to get a little anxious because we are heading into the hardest season related to food. The holidays are approaching, the first thing to be heading our way will be Halloween.  I've been great with not having candy. I have had some here and there but I will buy a bar break off a small piece and give the rest away.  I have some time to come up with my plan but I'm well aware that from Halloween to the end of February is a big danger zone for me.

This season brings Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Years Eve, New Years Day, Valentines and the birthday trifecta (mine and my two kids; for those of you who don't know, I was born on Feb 20, my Daughter also on Feb 20 and my Son on Feb 19).  February brings  lots of cake and parties.  I say let the challenge begin I will take this challenge and I will be victorious.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Well, here's an oxy-moron for you....Skinny Jeans for a Fat Person....I bought two pairs of new jeans last week. I just couldn't take it anymore walking around in jeans that were clearly too big.  So I was very happy to find two pairs that actually fit me. No belt needed (yet anyway), I can walk and they don't fall down, and I must say, I do like they way they look.

I bought two styles, one pair of boot cut and one pair of skinny jeans which I find completely in a style called skinny jeans.

So today, I can chuckle to myself all day knowing I am wearing skinny jeans.

When I went to the store, I was very happy to find I had choices, different cuts and styles, the style I ended up with was Hollywood Skinny jeans, well, when I saw what they were called, I knew they were for me. : ) LOL.

I won't be adjusting my pants today, nor will I be stepping on them.  Yay for skinny jeans for fat people.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Seasons Change

Though it's not officially fall yet, the kids are back to school, Labor Day has come and gone and I cleaned out all my drawers. 

This past Saturday I was in the mood for Fall Cleaning and that's just what I did. I had been walking around all summer long wearing shorts that were two sizes too big -- I still have a hard time shopping, I'm still not at the point where I'm overly thrilled to go buy new clothes and it's still hard for me to find things that fit just right so I just stuck to what was comfortable.

As I was cleaning I finally found it in me to get rid of everything that was way too big.  I ended up with a huge pile of clothes, shorts and shirts and pants that just doesn't fit anymore.  Shorts that fall down when you walk and shirts that when you bend over everything hangs out.  It was time, time to say good bye to these clothing items that had, in the past, served me well. 

In past years and past diets I was always afraid to part with the clothes that didn't fit because I always had the thought in the back of my head "what if I get rid of them and I don't lose the weight or gain back what I lost". Well that thought is no longer in my head. By thinking that I gave myself permission to fail.  I got rid of the clothes this time knowing for a fact that I will never need them again.  I know that next summer I will be buying a whole new summer wardrobe and I know that I will have fun doing it for I know that I will be where I want to be with my goals. 

This past summer brought a lot of new habits and new successes.  I now walk at least 4 miles three or four times a week, I plan better for vacations, I've conquered ice cream and I hit my 50 pound goal. 

The next few months will be the most challenging as the holiday season is fast approaching and has been the downfall to many a lifestyle change in the past.  My new goal is to lose an additional 25 pounds by the end of the year and to beat the holiday season.

The seasons are changing and so am I.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Finishing What You Start

There have been so many projects that I have started in my lifetime that I have never finished. Though so many of my postings have been positive and made this journey seem like a relatively easy one, every day I wake up with the fear that this too will be something that I've started and can't finish. 

It's a challenge every day of my life to get up, get the kids ready for school, go to work, think about what I'm eating, worry about when I will fit my exercise in, when I can work on my writing, deal with school activities and dance activities, fundraise for school and dance, cook dinner, find some time for fun. Really, it's a full schedule, a full life and it's hard to juggle it all.

Just this morning, waking up on a Saturday with absolutely no plans (until 4:30), I get up, clean the house, get reminded that school shopping needs to be finished and I'm already thinking about when can I go for my walk. 

In the past I've started projects and I get bored and I quit.  I get bored very easily and it's hard to hold my attention.  So I'd be lying if I did not admit that I have this same fear for my weight loss journey.  I'm half way to my goal, so much further than I've ever been before.  I will fight on. I will keep doing what I'm doing.  I will not quit even if I get bored.  I must prove to myself that I can finish what I started.

Though this has been an exciting adventure it has also been scary. I face new challenges every day. So much in my life has already changed, the way people look at me, the way I look at myself, finding a way to handle my new self confidence while also still dealing with low self esteem, the self confidence and self esteem just seem to clash, they are battling it out to see who the end it has to be the self confidence. I can go from being so high and positive one minute and to feeling down the next. I knew that this journey would change me physically but I never expected to have to deal with the emotional highs and lows, that never came to my mind.

All I can say is that in the end I will win on all levels, and as always I have to thank everyone who is walking beside me cheering me on and dealing with or more like putting up with, my many different moods, and if you ever wonder what is going on in my head, well, hopefully that will explain it.

Next goal I'm looking forward to meeting is 25 pounds that will put me at the 75 pound mark.  So here we go. . . .

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Big 5 - 0

I FINALLY DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I knew today would be the day. After walking 9 miles in two days how could it not.  I was excited to get out of bed this morning. (Most days I'm hitting the snooze button 3 or 4 times)

I stepped on that scale with all hopes that I would see FIFTY pounds gone.  I cannot put into words the elation I felt.

FIFTY pounds, that is half way to my goal. To think that in January I started with a goal of 100 pounds to lose and I've lost half of it already, well, that just seems so much more within my reach now.

FIFTY pounds, that's FIFTY boxes of butter, that's 10 bags of flour, and it's a small child. 

I'm ready to bring on the next FIFTY!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Beautiful night for a walk

The last two evenings have been beautiful, in my opinion, for walking. I have walked 9 miles in 2 days. How about that?

I've been going about about 7ish right before it gets dark. I know some of my friends are a little concerned about me walking in the dark, but it's all good, I got my phone and I feel completely safe in my quaint, small town. I stay on the main roads. There are other people out and about walking, running, teens skateboarding.

I'm sure gonna miss the evening walks when winter hits. I have to find something else to do. Maybe join a gym or at the worst back to the eliptical. I love walking from my house "into town" to "main street USA" I love seeing all the people hanging at the coffee house, the people walking the bike path, kids riding their bikes to their friends house, people walking their dogs. I love walking down the street, passing strangers that say hello or give you a smile. It's just a good feeling, very Norman Rockwell. (Although I could have done without the old dude checking me out at the red light)

I come home from these walks refreshed, energized, destressed and inspired. I have time to think and come up with new and exciting ideas. Amazing what a little exercise can do.

In just about two weeks the kids will be back to school and that means the end of the summer. I will still have a few good months to keep on walking. I will get in every moment that I can and make it count.

I can't wait to see what next summer brings. It's sure to bring a new wardrobe, new bathing suit, and new exercise activities.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Almost there!!!!

Well, being back from vacation and back into all my regular habits is paying off.  I stepped onto the scale this morning and am down two pound! Thank God!!!!   That leaves me 1  more to go until I hit that coveted 50 pound mark.  

I'm still obsessed with the scale. My intention was to bring it with me on vacation and of course, I forgot it.  I also forgot my pedometer. I was  upset with myself, I'm so used to getting on that scale every single day.  I know they say once a week weigh ins but that just doesn't work for me.  It's when I don't get on every day that I start slipping, so this is the "weigh" it has to be.

One more pound to go til my beautiful even number. How I love even numbers!  Makes looking at the next 50 not so bad.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Even Walt Disney Failed Before he Succeeded

Yes, believe it or not the great Walt Disney failed several times before finding success so I guess I'm in good company.

I've returned from vacation and sorry to say I did not have the weight loss that I wanted. I did maintain so all was not lost. 

I did my walking, in fact the mornings in Virginia Beach were amazing. I walked the boardwalk and watched dolphins swimming in the ocean. 

I ate the best I could. Eating out 3 meals a day was a challenge in itself. I ate as much fruit in the mornings for breakfast as I could, I split sandwiches for lunch, and dinners I allowed myself to enjoy wherever we were. Dinners ranged from Mexican, to Seafood, to Steak. 

I'm back home and back in habit and routine.  I'm glad I had a plan for had I not stuck to a plan I most definately would have come back home and found a few of those pounds that I had lost.

Hoping to report on Monday that those elusive 3 pounds are gone. 

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Checking in before Vaca

Just wanted to take a moment and check in with  ya'll before leaving for vacation. Still so much to do, haven't even started packing yet.  I will be leaving Sunday morning.  I will be laptop free so I won't be able to post again until the week of August 6th.

But until then, I have my plan in place. This is the first real vacation that I am going on since I've started this journey. I'm excited to see how this new me handles vacation. 

I will continue to exercise, I will be mindful of what I'm eating and I will keep a food journal be it handwritten or by pictures.  I'm determined to come back from this trip with a weight loss.

More importantly I will come back from this trip and not be on vacation mode.  In the past when I vacationed, I would just eat whatever I want. When returning home I would still be in that vacation mode for months.

That Lisa is gone.  This is the new Lisa, the Lisa that cares, the one that is motivated and the one that has brand new pink running shoes. (Yes, I'm still excited about those darn shoes. LOL)

To all of you, I wish a safe, happy, healthy week and I will see you when I get back.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Internet articles

Six months ago if there was a conversation taking place around me about exercise I would very quietly slink away.  Today, I start those conversations and more excitingly (is excitingly even a word? is I find myself reading internet articles about exercise.  Who would have thought.  I even bought myself a pair of pink running shoes today.....Check these out.

Now does that say Lisa or me!

Now I can run in proper attire and not have my feet hurt!


Nobody said the Road To Thin was going to be easy. I'm most frustrated this morning. I have new batteries for my scale. I was so excited to hop on this morning hoping that today would be the day I finally hit that 50 pound mark.  Nope, it's not today.  Holding at 47 pounds, what kind of number is that to hold at?  I hate odd numbers.  I'm so hungry to reach that 50 pound mark. Todayis the day I start my food journal.  I've been doing a lot of research online checking the calories of things that I eat.  So It's time to start writing it down. I was going to do this next week while on vacation anyway. 

The good news is that the old me would be so frustrated I'd already be in a gaining weight back mode. But this new improved Lisa is holding steady, frustrated but hopeful and confident. Moving forward and not looking back. I'm still doing what I need to do even though last night I had a dream about eating a big chocolate bar. That chocolate bar can stay right there in my dream because it's no longer worth it to me.  

So there, now I've written about it, I'm moving on from being frustrated to starting my food journal and will do everything in my power to reach this goal upon return from vacation.

Sunday, July 22, 2012


Well, as a brand new fan of exercising, I'm sad to report that I need to take a small break. I've got an inflammed heel, very painful to walk.  It's the perfect morning to walk and I attempted to walk through the pain but I got to the corner and knew I couldn't make it.  I'm very upset (did I just say that? Miss Lazy? Miss, I hate exercise? Yes I do believe I did say that) I'll say it again...upset and sad that I can't walk or run.  What else can I say, I've transformed.  Here's hoping for a quick recovery because I'm really looking forward to running on the beach next week during vacation.

Friday, July 20, 2012


Good Morning Followers!

Hope your summer has been going well.  I've been crazy busy, traveling, feel like I have had a chance to catch my breath.  One more week and I'll be on vacation which will be my biggest challenge on this journey to date.  I have my plan in place to exercise every day, to keep a food journal so I don't lose track of what I'm eating and hopefully come back to a weight loss.  That is the challenge to myself.

This morning I went to step on the scale and the darn thing won't turn on. I think it needs a new battery.  I've worn it out.  Of course you all know by now my obsession with the scale. I'm pretty ticked that I couldn't get a weigh in this morning. I'm so very close to hitting my 50 pounds.

Though, I thought that I would have been there already. So I am re-evaluating what I'm doing.  At this point I think I really need to keep a food journal.  I started looking at the calories of things that I eat out at restauarants and was absoultely shocked to find the calories so high. 

I did download the Eat this Not That App so that should be somewhat helpful.

So for the next week we need to get a new scale battery, start a food journal, pack for vacation and stay motivated.

If the blog is quiet the next week or two don't worry, even though I'm on vacation, I'm not on vacation from my journey.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Skinny Girl Pina Colada

Back from a fantastic time with the posse in Boston.  Great Party. Came home with lots of funny stories and as promised i checked out the Skinny Girl line of drinks.

The Skinny Girl line by Bethany Frankel offers

Pina Colada  33 calories
Wine 100 calories
Sangria 132 calories
Cosmo's 34 calories
Margaritas 37 calories

Since the calories on these cocktails can varie widely depending on the brand and amount of alcohol you will have to do your own comparison.

As Pina Colada's are one of my favorites I decided to try that one.  The consistency was like a wine cooler so it wasn't a frozen concoction (which I prefer).  I am disappointed to say that I really didn't like it.  It was like drinking flavored water (and bad water). Keep in mind that this is just my own personal opinion and you may try it and like it. 

I am willing to try the other Skinny Girl products and when I do I will report back.  In the meantime, if you've tried any of them and have opinions to offer please feel free.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Party Time!

It's officially summer, and that means it's officially party time!  Memorial Day, 4th of July, Cookouts etc....I've learned to deal with the food but here's something that many of us don't think twice about. . . The alchoholic beverage.  It's not a party without it. Between the regularly scheduled summer fun and our famous girls gone wild nights, have a drink or two or maybe three, can add some unwanted calories.

This weekend we are once again celebrating a birthday (and believe me, we are always celebrating something, you don't have to twist the arms of my posse to celebrate anything), I think I am going to try something new....The Skinny Girl Cocktail.  There is lots of buzz about this drink line so as part of my everchanging experimentation I will try these new drinks and report back to you on Monday.

I feel it is my duty to let you know the real scoop on these low cal concoctions.

I just went to their website. . . and much to my delight I see that they have a Skinny Girl Pina Colada drink. I will be looking for that one in particular.

Now that I've come so far but still have 53 pounds to reach my goal, I will be looking for some different ways to cut back the calories even further, so stay tuned for my new eating adventures.

Have a great weekend and to all my readers from Canada to the Ukraine, thanks for being part of my journey.

Monday, June 25, 2012

The Next Step

It feels like it's been a long time since I've written even thought it's only been a week.  I've been enjoying time with my family who have been visiting from Florida. This was also a crazy week due to our annual dance recital. Still holding at my 47 pounds lost but that's fine since I've been a little lax on my exercising this week. Between the family visit, prepping for recital and the weather being hotter than 50 Shades of Grey, I missed my walks and just didn't have it in me to hop onto the eliptical.  Truth be told I just wanted to enjoy my late nights hanging with my brother knowing that once he left, exercise will still be there.

Recital this weekend was amazing and our annual afterparty was a blast and yes, I even enjoyed a small piece of cake.  Today it was back on the wagon, need to get those 3 pounds off as quickly as possible so I can hit the 50 pound mark.

Got home from work tonight and got back into the routine of walking.  As I walked, I started thinking about the next step and how I'm going to lose the next 50 pounds.  I've gotten used to portion control, there is still room for improvement of what I eat but that will come, I've started a regular exercise routine but it only consists of the eliptical and walking, eventually I'll join a gym.

So I was walking and thinking and I started thinking about running and jogging. I decided to give jogging a try.  I tried it and I loved it.  I couldn't believe that I was actually jogging.  I paced myself by doing some walking, then jogging, then walking and then jogging again.  And I couldn't believe that I enjoyed it.

The only thing I can compare it to is someone who is paralyzed and is told they will never be able to walk again only to put their mind to it and work so hard to prove that they can do it. The day they actually take those steps is amazing.  That's how I felt. 

I had never jogged in my entire life.  Remember, I'm the girl who is athletically challenged.  This may seem like such a small thing to some but to someone like me who has been overweight for so many years and who has never participated in any kind of exercise, this alone is a huge accomplishment.

 Bigger yet is that I actually did this in public.  I've always been so worried about what people think about me and what they think when they look at me and tonight, I didn't care, I felt so awesome.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Holy S#$T

I love seeing peoples reactions to my weight loss, especially people I haven't seen in a long time.  My favorite reaction has got to be the Holy S#$T reaction.  Cracks me up every time.  It usually starts out with oh my god, you look amazing, how much have you lost..when I reveal (which i'm more than happy to do so)'s followed by Holy S#$T!  It's priceless.  I can't wait to see the reactions when I hit the 100 pound mark!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Persistance and the Pedometer

New England Weather is a pain in the ass. Beautiful one day, cold and rainy the next.  It's been very difficult to get into my walking routine thanks to Mother Nature.  I absolutely love to walk, I can change my my route at anytime. I can walk whenever it fits into my schedule. It's Free (though i'm sure at some point I will need to join a gym).  I actually get disappointed when I can't walk.

This weekend was absolutely beautiful. Thank you Mother Nature!  So I made sure that no matter what my days brought, I was going for my walk. I changed my route on both days this weekend just to mix it up a bit.  Saturday's walk was good but because I changed my route and part of my route included the bike path I had no way to track how many miles I did.

Sunday, I made it a priority to get a pedometer.  Changed up the route again, drove to the park and ride and picked up the bike path at a different spot walked 4 miles total. Very glad I have that pedometer now. 

My regular walk has been 3 miles so I was thrilled to have upped it a bit.

My persistance with the walking has paid off....I stepped onto the scale this morning and was hoping to see a pound gone...imaginge my surprise when it told me I lost 3 pounds!!!

Excited doesn't describe it.  That brings my total to 47 pounds.  Only 3 more to go to reach my half way mark.

Now to keep my fingers crossed that the weather stays consistent for me.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Being overweight, I never liked having my picture taken.  I would rather be the person taking the photos than the person in the photos.  This is a sad thing because I've missed out being in some fun photo ops with family and friends.  With my recent weight loss I'm seeing that this is starting to change a little bit.  I'm still not at the most comfortable point where I want to be in every photo. I'm still very careful about which photos I let out in public but there have been more and more of me poppping up that I approve of. 

Sometimes I look at the photo and say Wow, look at what I've accomplished and other times, I look and say uugh, I still have a long way to go and oh my god, If I look like that now  what on earth did I look like before.  Well that question was recently answered when a friend of mine showed me a photo she had taken about 6 years ago and compared it to one taken more recently. I was completely astonished at what I looked like.  It made me happier than ever that I've embarked on this new path.

Monday, June 4, 2012


It's the little things that excite me. It really doesn't take much to make me happy.  For instance on the way to the Brad Paisley Concert yesterday my cousin and I stopped at Wrentham Outlets.  It was then that I realized I forgot a jacket. I thought for a moment that maybe I would pick up a sweatshirt of some sort for the show as it was chilly out.  I thought again and said maybe it won't be so bad, but I figured it was better safe than sorry.  It felt like rain and being freezing at an outdoor concert surely would put a damper on the evening.  My cousin said where on earth do you think you're going to find a jacket this time of year.  I thought...The GAP...don't they always have hoodies?

Now I have to tell you the thought of walking into The GAP to buy a sweatshirt really frightened me.  I've never bought anything for myself at The GAP. I've never been able to fit into anything there.  As much as I've seen the numbers drop on the scale and I do see changes and yes, I've bought smaller clothes...I still look in the mirror and see what I used to look like. So just the thought of walking into a "normal" store makes my blood pressure go up.

I was brave, I went into that store went to the hoodie section and picked one up; put it up against me and saw that it would clearly fit.  I was so excited.  Remember, it is the little things that make me happy.

Original price was 40.00. It was on SALE!!!  I got it for 23.00. Do you know that I've never owned a hoodie of my very own? I could never fit in them properly. 

So, I bought my very own hoodie for a great price at a store that I never could shop in before. I was a happy, happy girl.  Turns out it was a good decision because it was very cold at the concert.  And the concert was most excellent.

Friday, June 1, 2012

I was thinking. . .

I was thinking. . . a dangerous thing, I know, but as I stepped on the scale this morning and was happy to see another 2 pounds gone (down 44 total) I realized that with all the things that have changed so far and the future changes that will come there are things about me that will not change.

So far this adventure has been fun and positive and we've all seen the physical changes start to appear. I've changed my eating habits drastically.  But in the end there will be things that won't change. I may be  changing habits and improving my appearance but what's on the inside will never change.  Yes through this process I may gain a little more self confidence but a promise that I will make to myself is that I will never forget my struggle to get to my goal. I will remain true to myself.  I've witnessed all too often people that have tasted success in their life, be it through their jobs or other avenues only to change who they are and forget where they come from.

I will always remember that this is a difficult journey for anyone no matter if they have 5 pounds or 100 pounds to lose.  I will always have an open heart and an open mind.  I will always stay true to myself and to what I believe in. 

Happy June 1st. . . Can't wait to see what this month brings!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Real Challenge Begins

Memorial Day Weekend is upon us. . . the unofficial start to summer.  This is where the real challenge is going to begin.  With a summer full of bbq's, traveling, parties and more, I am going to need to stay at the top of my game. 

As the weather heats up, I know the old excuse from the past will creep into my head...."It's too hot to walk".  So when that thought comes through this crazy twisted mind of mine I need to remember that early am and late pm are great times to walk when the weather is cooler.  No excuses.

Summer is a busy travel time for the new plan is to only stay at hotels that have a fitness center (which most do) and to make sure that I find time in the day to exercise. Preferably in the morning so there is no excuse of being tired or saying I did a lot of walking today that will count.  No I must go that extra mile and continue with the regular exercise.

BBQ's and parties, there are plenty of them. . . lots of summer birthdays, I've been invited to many weddings, and of course different eating habits on vacation. . . I've seemed to have my eating habits in check but these events can still be scary especially being on vacation. On vacation you tend to fall out of habit.  My goal this year will be to come back from vacation and at least maintain, but I am aiming for a continued weight loss.

I remember one year I was doing pretty well on a diet. I went on vacation and all hell broke loose. . .the diet was out the window. I came home and vacation mode continued indefinately.   Well not this year.  I don't intend on even going into vacation mode.  As it gets closer I'll come up with a plan, research restaurants in the area and stick to it.

So I say. . . bring on the summer. . . I will conquer it.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Changes keep on coming....

Well, not weight loss related but still a big change; something I've been wrestling with for a good month or so now.  I've decided to quit my part time evening job.  My schedule has been so crazy for the last four years. Get up, go to my full time job from 8:30p-5pm, go to my part time job from 5:30pm-8:30pm and in between find time for family, friends, myself, and all the things that go along with every day life.  I can't believe how I've done it for so long and got everything done. Of course I couldn't have done it on my own, I've had help along with way. Good friends who've given the kids rides at the drop of a dime. 

Since I've started my weight loss journey, it's gotten even crazier, I would get home at 8:45pm and go for a walk, not that I mind walking at night but if I get home at a normal hour I could go for a longer walk.  I can put more thought into what's for dinner and plan healthier meals and I can spend more time on my writing.

Yes, I will miss the extra money but I think just the money I will save from not getting take out so much will make up for it.

Anyone with good crock pot recipes or any others please feel free to forward!  I miss cooking.  However this will become another challenge as loving to cook is partially how I've gained all the weight in the past.  So there is another goal, learning how to cook without overeating what I cook.

After more days have gone by this month than I like without a weight loss, I'm happy to say this morning's weigh in made me happy.....Total down is 42 pounds.  That a lot of boxes of butter.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Felt like a Celebrity

I was at the grocery store Friday night when I was taken by surprise; someone I hadn't seen in a while came up behind me and said "hey beautiful". My first reaction was they couldn't possibly be talking to me. As I turned I was pleasantly surprised to see my friend Keri.  I hadn't seen  her in awhile and she made me feel like a celebrity as she took notice of how I've changed so far.  She said that everything about me has changed (in a good way of course) and how good I look.  Keri, thank you for that ego boost.  She also told me how much she enjoyed reading everything I'm writing on the blog.  I really appreciate that as this is a very important and personal project and journey.

With May more than half way over, I'm a bit disappointed that I haven't lost much more than I have this month but it was quite an accomplishment hitting the 40 pound mark.  I've really stepped up the exercise this week, and even went on a 2 hour walk last night.

My next goal is to lose 19 more by the end of July.  That will put me more than half way to my goal.

So I will keep on keeping . . . . I will keep my positive attitude knowing what I've already accomplished and also knowing that I will reach the goal there is no doubt about it.  How can I not with all of you believing in me the way you do. You may never know how much all of your support and encouragement means.  I'm not sure that I can find the words to tell you. 

All I know is that I am lucky to have some very special people in my life.  It has helped me make it this far.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A New View on Exercise

Ok ya'll. . . .I think you best be sitting down for this. . . I have officially decided that. . . wait for it. . . I can't believe I'm about to say this but I LIKE TO EXERCISE.  Yes, it's true. For those who know me well, I hope I didn't cause you to have a heart attack. 

I officially made this decision last night while on the eliptical machine.  I was thinking about how when I first started my journey (and prior to) how I absolutely hated any kind of exercise.  Four and half months later I am actually enjoying it. I never thought I would see this day.

I've been walking which I love and I've even come to like my workouts on the eliptical. Not as much as walking but I've come to terms with it.  I can walk for an hour or more but when it comes to the eliptical I find it a bit boring so I do have to push myself.  If a day goes by that I can't exercise I get upset. I'm actually sorry that I missed my workout.

Last night I really only had time for a 20 minute workout but I will tell you that I pushed myself so hard on that machine. It was not a 20 minute stroll, it was definately equal to 20 minutes of running and by the time I got off I was sweating.  I felt good and I loved it.

A big help has been my music. I tend to get lost in my workout with the right music. (The right music for me). As much as I like country music, it just doesn't make me move,  even the most upbeat, most pop sounding country music is not getting me moving, now I will turn to it for my warm up and cool down.  What is getting me moving is more rock and heavy metal.  I really love having the Ipod where I customize my workout play list.

I find exercising now to be peaceful and a great way to escape and have some alone time.  I always thought that it would be more fun to have someone to exercise with (and yes that is fun too) but it's a great way to decompress from the day and think and really get to know yourself.

I definately do see more results the next morning after exercising vs. not. 

I'm looking foward to getting past this grey, rainy weather we've been having so I can get out and walk more, play some tennis, and as the pounds melt away, maybe get back to somethings that I used to enjoy like skating, bike riding or maybe try something  new. 

Once the kids are out of school I'd love to get up early (yes, I did say get up early...I know I'm not an early bird) go for a walk and then come home from work and do another workout.  That is a new goal is to have two workouts a day.  

I've come a long way in a short time. If I can do it anybody can!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Everything Changes

I never realized how losing weight makes everything in your life change. Of course there is the obvious the change in your physical appearance. This happens slowly over time but eventually you and everyone else start to see this. 

There are the mental changes, the way you feel about yourself, the more weight you lose the happier you are and it show's (I've actually been told that I've been glowing). 

Then there the things you can do that you never thought about before like bending down to pick up something up off the ground.  It was only a few weeks ago that I dropped something and bent down to pick it up and realized that I did that with such ease where as before the weight loss it was kind of awkward bending.

Losing weight has even affected that time of the month (sorry guys you can skip this paragraph, I know TMI..but it's part of the story). Gaining weight had caused me to have absolutely awful periods, heavy and long. Losing the weight makes the whole time of the month thing a breeze, they are now lighter and much shorter. 

I also find myself looking at food labels these days.  I never did that before, I never cared. But now when I'm trying to make a decision between two foods, I look to the labels to help make my decision.

I have more energy, though I've never had a shortage of God help you all when I reach my goal, I don't know if there will be any stopping me.  I just may be crazier than I am now.

And a more recent development, starting to like yourself in pictures.  For years, I would rather have taken pictures than be in them. Last week I went out with friends and took some pictures with them and thought, hmm not bad, last night was fooling around and took another picture that I can actually look at myself without cringing. 

I am seeing progress all around. 

Friday, May 4, 2012

Great Way to Start The Weekend

I've reached 40 pounds!!!!!  What a great way to start the weekend.  Setting the next goal of 10 pounds, Am going to try to get that off in the Month of May.  I've been averaging about 10 pounds a month which is awesome!!!!  On my way to work, so I will be back over the weekend to blog more. Have a great day everyone!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Happy Surprise

This morning greeted me with a happy surprise. . . TWO POUNDS gone away.  YES!  Only 2 more to go to hit the big 4-0.  I still get nervous getting on the scale. Every time I step on the scale my heart beats a little faster and I think what is it going to tell me today?  Though tomorrow is May 1st and I was hoping to be at the 40 pound mark by today...I'll take this progress.  Just means that I have to meet my a goal of 12 pounds for the month of May.  Thinking back to a short time ago when I carried around the 27pounds of sugar...I think I would die right now trying to carry 38 pounds of anything around.  Yes, there is a little more pep in my step and I'm doing the happy dance right now.  Just think. . . I'm almost half way to my goal of 100. 

A little side note, yesterday I have one of Lauren's friends a ride home and when she got in the car she said "Lisa, you look so tiny"...I thought that was just about the sweetest thing. 

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Still hate shopping

I have to wonder if clothes shopping will ever become an enjoyable experience.  Almost 40 pounds lost and all of my pants are way too big.  I went to three different stores yesterday to try to find new pants and nothing fits quite right. Seems like I'm at some kind of inbetween stage. Find pants that fit in the waist, they are too long, some brands fit in the leg and not the waist, some just don't look right.  It's highly frustrating.  So I guess for now I have to walk around in the old ones and hope my pants dont fall down.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Almost there

Finally,  another pound gone.  I hate when I go a couple of weeks and not lose.  But I am happy that I have been maintaining.  I've reached that difficult point now where it's going to start coming off a bit slower, I will just have to be patient with that and just keep plugging away.  I've only got 4 more pounds to go to reach that big 40....that's a pretty big number and very exciting.  Hoping the weather is somewhat nice this weekend so I can get back to my walking. I've been on the Eliptical machine but I have just lost interest in that.  I really have to force myself  to keep going on it.  I love walking, I could walk for hours and it's so easy to change your scenery walking.  Unfortunately, I'm somewhat of a diva with the temperatures.  It has to be just the right temperature for me to be out walking...hmm, something I just need to get over.  So bring on the weekend and the walking weather and let's see what I can get off this weekend. 

On a side note...I was told today that my pants are looking pretty baggy.  I really need to go shopping and get some clothes that fit a bit better.  I walk around all day pulling up these darn jeans, I think I'm still afraid of shopping but I know I can't go much longer until I do it.

Happy Weekend Everyone!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The DC Adventure

I'm back from my four day adventure to Washington DC. My friend asked me yesterday...How did you do with the food?  The best answer I could come up with is I did "fair" with the food.  It was extremely difficult. Everything was fast food.  Now the positive news is that I maintained my weight.  That in itself is a small miracle.  I wanted to come back having lost a pound or two.  But the mere fact that I did not gain is something I'm very happy about.

We left on Thursday morning there was a breakfast stop at Mcdonalds. I had my usual there...the Egg McMuffin, no egg.  Those who know me well, know I won't touch an egg.  Lunch stop was at another rest area where there was a food court and the best choice for me was Quiznos so I had a sandwich.  Dinner that night was at yet another food court at a mall and I ended up with Chinese food of which I only ate half.  The following three days breakfast was at our hotel, but the choices were limited to eggs, sausage patties and fruit. This was ok as I would have a bannana and some OJ.

Friday we again visited a food court for lunch...had some chili from Johnny Rockets.  Dinner that evening was on The Spirit of Washington dinner cruise it was a buffet, Mac and Cheese, Chicken, Pulled Pork, Rice and salad. So I had myself some salad and a piece of chicken. 

Saturday lunch at the American Space guessed it another food court...This time there was a choice of Mcdonalds, Pizza or Boston Market, so I went with the Boston Market and had the chicken.

That evening Dinner was hamburgers at Fudruckers.

Traveling home on Sunday more food court food.

I eat out a lot but it would normally be once a day, not three times a day.  When I'm in charge I go to places where I know I can be in control. This trip was definately out of my control where it came to the food. I made the best choices possible. The sad thing is that I did not enjoy one single meal.  Especially the dinner cruise, I hardly ate a thing that evening because the quality was just not to my liking. In fact When we got back to the hotel the girls and I were hungry so we had a pizza delivered. I had a half a piece, it was one of the worst pizza's I've ever had. 

If I'm going to eat I want to enjoy what I'm having.  This is more important to me than ever since I'm watching what I eat.  If I'm going to eat it, it needs to be good otherwise it's not worth my time.

I realized a couple things on this trip.  The first thing is I wish I could pack my scale and bring it along with me on the trip.  I've become a bit obsessed with weighing myself every day to make sure I'm on track.  I thought about my scale often on this trip.  I couldn't wait to get home and get back on it so I could know what I was doing. (I know what you're thinking....who is this person and where is the real Lisa)

The other thing I realized is that I'm already seeing the difference in the things I can do since I've lost 35 pounds.  I truly believe I would have had a harder time walking the streets of DC.  I know I would have had a very difficult time walking in Arlington Cemetary as it was very hilly.  I am more than positive I would not have been able to tackle the 58 steps up to the Lincoln Memorial.  (I could have definately gone up those steps more than once.)  And even though I'm not at my goal weight, I can out walk whiney 14 year old girls. 

Even though I didn't come back with a weight loss, I still feel successful.  It's these small successes that keep me going.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Off To D.C.

I'm leaving in the morning for Washington D.C. I have to be honest, I'm a little nervous because this is going to be the first time I'm away for a length of time while dieting.  It's my daughters 8th grade school trip and it appears to me that I'm going to be faced with a lot of fast food options. I don't eat fast food any more so I'm going to be challenged.  Since I was unable to do my weird weight loss tip experiment from last week (taking photos of everything I eat) I think I will combine the two.  I will take photos on this trip of the food choices.  I'm hoping to come back with a loss of a couple pounds if I'm successful.  There will be a lot of walking involved, of course, the exercise room at the hotel and I will have to watch my choices very carefully.  I have five pounds to go by the end of this month to stay on track.  This weekend is going to be crucial.  So here goes.....I will report back on Monday.  

Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Unthinkable

I have done it, the absolute unthinkable....while I was out doing errands I got a phone call from the only other person in the world that loves ice cream as much as I daughter.  She wanted me to stop and get her some ice cream and bring it home.  My first thought was oh God, I've been avoiding ice cream shops like the plague.  I can't do it.  I can't order ice cream for her and none for me.  But just because I'm on a diet doesn't mean she has to suffer so I said yes I would get it for her.  As I was driving there many thoughts were going through my head.  Do I want ice cream?  Maybe?  I haven't had it in a very long time.  I am going for a walk when I get home.  I just ate dinner, I'm really not hungry.  It's kind of cold for ice cream.  Do I really want ice cream?  What am I thinking.  I really don't want the ice cream, I'm just nervous about ordering this and thinking I'll cave and get one for myself and eat it when I really don't want it and then have ice cream guilt.

  Yes, I really did think all these things.   As I pulled into Eskimo King I saw the unusual short line and thought about calling her and telling her the line was too long to wait.  I didn't.  I got out of the car, I ordered her ice cream and took it home to her.  I did the unthinkable, I ordered someone else an ice cream and got nothing for myself. 

I won't lie, I did have a taste of hers but that was very satisfying. I did not find myself wanting more.  I just thought about all the hard work I've accomplished to date and how I'm going to feel at the end of my journey. 

I made a concious decision to hold off on having ice cream until the heat of the summer when I will really enjoy it.  I have cooled down my relationship with ice cream, there are things that are more important to me. 

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Busy week

I've had a very busy week this week and last so I haven't been able to blog.  I am postponing the picture takeing experiment to start on Monday.  Fear not I am here and well and doing great....holding at 35 pounds.  The goal is to get to 40 or more by end of month I know I can do it.  I have a new walking goal if the weather warms up just a tad bit.  I will be driving over to the bike bath and walking from Del's to Colt State park, I need to figure out the miles but my guestimate right now is 3 miles there. I'd love to try that this weekend.  Getting ready to go on a school trip to Washington DC.  Going away is always a bit of a challenge but will make for a great blog I'm sure.  I'm confident that all will go well, as DC is a great walking place and I know I'll get plenty of that in.  Bringing healthy snacks will be key of course.  I'm off to work and will check back in very soon.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Amazing week

It's been an amazing week already and it's only Tuesday.  On Friday, I went out to dinner and to the mall with Matthew.  I don't know what made me do it but I walked into Macy's and went into the "regular" clothing section, not the plus size and I saw a top that I liked and decided to try it on.  To my amazement it fit.  You better believe that I bought it...I haven't bought something in the "normal" section in many many years.  Last night I took all my days frustrations out on the eliptical machine, was a very intense workout but it was so good to get it all out in a healthy way.  This mornning I got on the scale not expecting to see much of a change as I lost 2 pounds last week.  Well, I am happy to report that as of 7am this morning I have lost 35 pounds.  Guess we are up to 7 bags of sugar now. 

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Weird weight loss tip follow up

The weird loss weight tip experiment seems to be working as i've consisently lost weight...down another 2 this week brings me to the 32 pound mark.  This past week, when I had the urge to snack I followed the tip of smelling really did work.  So if you are trying to lose weight, carry a box of mints if you feel like snacking, just take that box of mints out and take a whif....i didn't even want to eat the mints, just enjoyed the smell and it really did trick my brain.  This week's tip....

Skip the food journal—take a picture.
Writing “salad with blue cheese dressing” in a journal may not be as effective as showing a photo of the salad, heaped with creamy cheese. Keeping the photos and looking at them before you eat again can make you think twice about over-indulging the next time.

Easy done...beginning tomorrow, i'll take a photo of everything I eat.

My goal for April is to lose another 10 pounds.  With the warm weather approaching and my new 3 mile walk habit, I think this will be "a piece of cake".

Monday, March 26, 2012


I have nothing more to say except that I hit my 30 pound mark!!!!!!!!  Onward to the next goal!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

I Have A Problem...

I have a problem, but I think it's a good problem to new pants that I bought less than a week ago.....ummm, well, they are loose.   I noticed today when I put them on but thought, nah, I must be imagining it.  Then someone else noticed. 

The problem is, I'm at the in between stage where these are a bit loose but not ready for the next size. Only a few more pounds and I'll be there.  Perhaps, in the meantime, I should invest in a belt.

Wacky Weight Loss Tips part 2

The next two wacky weight loss tips are a little bit difficult, Tip # 2 was to eat in front of a mirror. Seeing as I eat out often, I'm gonna be honest and tell you that bringing a mirror to a restaurant is out of the question. 

2. Take a look in the mirror.

While you eat, sit in front of a mirror. One studyfound that when people watch themselves eat, consumption of high-calorie food (such as full-fat cream cheese) drops by nearly a third, possibly because seeing themselves eat reminds them of their diet and health goals.

Tip # 3 was to immerse yourself in blue, use blue plates, blue napkins. 

3. Immerse yourself in blue.

Use blue plates, blue napkins, a blue tablecloth, even paint your dining room walls blue or use blue lights. According to a 2006 study by Dr. Val Jones, gala attendees ate 33 percent less in a room bathed in blue light.
That’s probably because we associate blue with toxic or moldy food, so we eat less. Yellow and red had the opposite effect, which is why fast-food restaurants favor those appetite-stimulating colors.

I do have blue rimmed plates at home, so for the next five days when eating at home, I will use the blue rimmed plates, If I can find a hand mirror I will try that at home as well, but what I will focus on this Monday-Friday is tip #4.....

4. Use your sense—smell, that is.

Sniffinga banana, apple or peppermint helps the weight come off. Just ask the 3,000 people who tried this during a study at the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago.
The more often they sniffed those aromas, the more weight they lost, with an average drop of nearly 30 pounds during the 6-month study among those who inhaled the scents the most frequently. Some participants shed up to 18 pounds in a month. Apparently, by frequent smelling we trick the brain into thinking we actually ate the food.

I have a box of mints...I will carry it with me all week and report back.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Taming the Beast

Let's talk about Thursday.....I had a bad day, I worked 12 hours I got home thinking there would be some dinner waiting. There wasn't. This just sent me into a bit of a diva I'm a big girl perfectly capable of making my own dinner and there is no rule saying that there has to be a dinner waiting for me I said, It was a very bad day.  Top this off by being asked at 10:00pm by your beautiful teenage daughter to please go to CVS to get something that she needs (yes it was important). As I'm driving to CVS all I'm thinking about is Chocolate and how I would love to just buy a couple of candy bars and drown my anger with it. 

I had to have a talk with myself.....I had to remind myself that first of all eating away your anger is a habit of the past. Secondly I've worked so hard to get where I'm at and third...I still have a long way to go and I don't want any set backs.  Furthermore eating away the anger isn't going to help, I would just be angry at myself for eating that candy.

The talk with myself worked.....I worked it out on my own and not by eating things I shouldn't.  I have to say that I'm very proud of myself for doing that.

Now there is not guilt to worry about and the candy did not win.

The Non Dominant Hand Experiment

As promised I'm filling you in on how the week went with using my non dominant hand to eat with. As I'm right handed I used my left hand all week to eat. It was not as hard as one might imagine. However there were definate things that I had trouble with; soup and rice being the two big ones.  I did notice I left more on my plate eating left handed.  Perhaps it was because it just became a pain to do it that way. I did lose two pounds this week, but I walked a lot so I'm not convinced it really had anything to do with the left handed eating.  I can tell you to never eat a meatball sandwich with your non dominant becomes a meatball mess. I will announce over the weekend what the next wacky weight loss tip that works will be.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Awesome Week

So far it's been a really awesome week, I've walked 9 miles since Sunday.  Been drinking tons of water, sticking with the left hand experiment and just in general HAPPY!   Happy because I went out tonight and bought a new outfit....and bought everything a size smaller than normal.  A pair of faded jean capris, a hot pink cami and a hot pink sweater to go over the cami.  Yes, you read that correctly I did say hot pink.....not black like I always buy...but hot pink.  I bought a color.  So, I've walked 9 miles and bought a colored top....I'd say that's two pretty big accomplishments right there.  All day long today all I did was adjust my jeans.  They were getting a bit big, so I figured it was time to be brave and go to the store.  I was very nervous as I took the smaller size off the rack. I said to myself "If I try these on and they don't fit I will be so discouraged"  I actually had 3 pairs that I tried on.....they all fit but I didn't like the way some looked.  So 3 different pants, 3 different styles and they all fit, I could button them, zip them and it was awesome!  I only bought one pair because I don't want to invest a ton of money into clothes right now as I still have much more to lose.  But I took those pants and that top to the register with a big smile on my face.  I was so happy that I just had to go next door and buy a pair of shoes!  I decided to live dangerously and get a wedged heel.  Ya'll know how clumsy I can be so we shall see what tomorrow brings when I walk around in them.  Though I best be careful because I don't want to twist an ankle or break a leg...I have much more walking to do.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

The three mile walk

I went to my niece's birthday party this afternoon which was at my brothers house.  I don't to that side of the state often. So I decided to bring home dinner from Luigi's which is one of my favorite places that I just don't get to much.  Driving through the town of Johnston, I was reminded of how much walking I did as a teenager. Every Saturday morning I would get my allowance and meet my friend and we would walk miles to the record store and back home again.

It was such a beautiful day out today, I decided I'd go for a walk when I got home.  I had a goal in mind but didn't know if I would actually do it.  My goal was to walk from my house to Del's Lemonade.  Thinking of my teenage years, walking all around town, I wanted to do it again.

I hit the road with my Ipod. Thinking, maybe I'll walk there and then call someone for a ride home. I walked and walked, got to Tom's Market and said "maybe I'll stop here and turn back"  but then I thought well, that's silly, I can see Del's from here.  I made it to Del's and told myself that I would make it back, the same way I came. 

I had no idea how far I walked, I just know that I walked pretty far. When I got home I looked up the miles.  Round trip it was three miles.  Yay for the only thing that is telling me is I can totally do it and can push myself harder with the exercise. 

I wish I had time every day for a three mile walk. 

I got home in time for dinner and the funny thing is, after all that walking, I didn't even want to eat! 

Weird Weight Loss Tips

Yesterday I came across an internet article....Weird Weight Loss Tips That Really Work.  So I said....WHY NOT?...  So it begins a series about these weird tips to see if they really do work.  It will be fun!  I will spend the next five days (Mon-Fri) trying the first one.

Here is the decription of the first one (lifted from the web)

Eat with your non-dominant hand.
One intriguing new study offers a simple antidote to the mindless munching that often accompanies watching movies or TV: Just switch hands—and you’ll eat less.
The researchers randomly handed moviegoers a bucket of fresh popcorn or “cold, wet, spongy week-old” popcorn. Those who said they usually ate popcorn at the movies shoveled down just as much whether the popcorn was fresh or stale. But in a separate experiment, the scientists found that when people were asked to eat with their non-dominant hand, they consumed 30 percent less.

Beginning tomorrow morning everything I eat will be with my left hand.  I have my doubts that this method work. If you are hungry you'll find a way to eat what's on your plate no matter which hand.  However, perhaps it will cause you to think about what you're eating since I think there will be somethings that will be uncomfortable to eat with your non-dominant hand.  We shall see. Stay tuned for the updates.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Ice Cream

A friend of mine took notice today of my weight loss.   He said "you're melting away like an ice cream cone" which I thought was a funny thing because I wanted to talk about ice cream tonight.

Ice Cream has got to be my most favorite treat in the whole entire world.  I could eat it every day, morning, noon and night. In fact I have been known in the past to have ice cream for breakfast. As a kid it was a big treat to have ice cream for dinner. I remember Dad taking us out to the movies and stopping at friendlys beforehand and saying we could have ice cream for dinner.  I've done this with my own children. 

There are so many varieties and brands, it's never ending.  The only flavor I won't touch is vanilla, though French vanilla is good.  We have Ben & Jerry's, Godiva, Haagen Das, Friendly's. You can have it plain or with candy. You can have it in a bowl, in a cone or with toppings like peanut butter, whip cream and cherries.

One of my favorite things to do when the kids have a sleepover is to have a midnight make your own sundae bar. 

I can sit here and rate the varieties and brands and tell you that Gray's Ice Cream in Tiverton is raved about by many locals but I hated it. Somerset Creamery is the best for homemade hard serve. I can tell you you that Handels Ice Cream in Virginia totally rocked.  I will vote Friendly's the winner over Newport Creamery. When on vacation I'm always on the search for a Dairy Queen Blizzard.  Peppermint Stick ice cream is the traditional treat when all Christmas Shopping is done, I've been doing that for more years than I can remember.  Pistachio and Mint chocolate chip need to be green. I've had "natural" flavors and when they are white and not green well it's just not the same.  I could write for hours about ice cream.

That all being said, I haven't had the wonderful creamy delicious concoction of my dreams since well before the holidays.  I haven't been tempted either.  However....driving down Rt 6 the other day I saw it...the sign in front of Somerset Creamery (only the best ice cream on the planet) telling me that opening day was March 23rd.  This is sure to be followed by Eskimo King (who has delicious soft serve ice cream in over 250 flavors).  It's the thing to do in the summer...get in the car and take the kids for ice cream.

In the past I've always gone to Somerset Creamery for lunch on the first day that they opened for the season.  This year I won't. I must break tradition.  I'm not saying that I will go the whole summer without ice cream. I will have a bit.  But I realize that it just takes too long to burn off those extra calories and I have to weigh it out...indulge in the sweet treat or spend more time exercising?

I will plan my ice cream eating very carefully. Perhaps I'll try a frozen yogurt instead. Perhaps I'll order a kids size.  I definately will not be indulging in any sundaes or bannana splits like my grandma used to take me out for.  I remember when I was a kid eating two bananna splits in one sitting. 

There are also plenty of other treats in the frozen section of the grocery store that should be able to keep me happy.  There are popsicles and fudgicles that are low in calories. 

Bring it on, I won the girl scout cookie challenge, I will conquer the ice cream as well.

Now, I want to know how many of you will be having ice cream after reading this. :)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Old me vs. New me

I was away in Boston for three days for a dance competition.  Had a fun, wild and crazy weekend.  My cousin made an interesting statement....she said to me "If this was a  year ago we would have eaten our way through Boston".  She's right except that in reality it really would have been only a few short months ago. 

The temptations were all around....Godiva Chocolate, Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream, Cheesecake Factory.  The girls danced  until 10pm at night and didn't get to have their dinner until then. The old Lisa would have eaten dinner at 5 and again at 10 with the girls.

The new Lisa at 3 meals a day, when I needed a snack, got good for you snacks like cheese and fruit and crackers and nuts.  I shared meals with my cousin. We did go to Godiva to get our montlhy free piece of chocolate but that's all we had.  Prior to this journey I would have gotten my free piece and then some.  We went to Cheesecake factory for lunch, ate as healthy as possible and we shared a piece of cheesecake. 

I exercised, in the pool, in the gym, outside walking....that would have never happened before either. 

I went shopping, and I went up and down stairs, the old Lisa would have skipped certain stores because she was too lazy to have to walk up and down the stairs.

These are all huge accomplishements and I have to say I like this new girl.  I'm very proud of her.  So many changes in such a short time. 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


This journey has come just in time....had a little teen drama tonight and the old Lisa would have started snacking.  This new girl....well she just went downstairs and got on the eliptical machine (I really should give that thing a name...hmm will have to think about that) did my workout, focused all my anger into the workout.  Ahhhh, now I feel better!~

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Decided to have a little fun today. Went to Stop & Shop with Lauren and Sasha.  Wanted to actually feel how much weight I've lost, so I was loaded up with 5 bags of sugar (5lbs each)  and 2  one pound boxes of lard - this made up the weight of 27 pounds.  The girls made me do a lap around Stop & Shop and let me tell you carrying around 27 pounds was heavy.  Now 27 pounds ago the weight on myself was distributed differently but it was amazing to feel how much weight that really is.  As I walking through the store, my breathing was heavy, and it was very hard to carry around that weight. So there will be no more whining from myself about how I can't see what I've lost.....because....I've actually felt what it feels like to carry around that weight.   Click on the link below to see  our crazy, funny video from today.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Small Goals

Setting small goals seems to be working for me.  Makes it all seem so much more bearable.  The thing I've been doing is rewarding myself with some movie time.  I've got 7 pounds to go to make it to the 35 pound mark. So, when I reach that point it will be movie time.

I don't believe that I have told anyone how much weight I want to's a pretty big's kind of scary to write it...but here ultimate goal is 100 pounds.  That's about a whole person.  Once I reach the 100 pounds I'll re-evaluate to see if I want to lose anymore.  I will have to see. It will depend on what I see in the dreaded mirror.  If I like what I see or not.  If I don't like what I see, I will determine what the next goal will be.

But getting back to small goals....being down 27 pounds means i'm 1/4 of the way there.

It's hard not to get caught up in the numbers.  For now that is the most tangible thing I have. 

It's harder for me to see the results than the rest of you.  But I see the numbers going down so that's a great thing.

Though I can no longer say that I don't see any results because I no longer need to unbutton my jeans to take them on and off.  I can just slide them up and down and that's a result I can see. 

However, I need to keep an eye on that jean situation....don't want to be walking down the street one day and have them just fall off. Well, that would be awesome but not in public. 

So 35 pounds here I come................


Wow! That's about all I can say....This blog entry is for my friends that I've seen this weekend.  Just a great big THANK YOU!  Let me explain......

Friday night our friends Ken and Janice came over and we hadn't seen them since Christmas time. It was the first time they've seen the "new" Lisa.  The love and support they gave me were priceless.

Tonight I had a party and saw a few people that I hadn't seen in awhile and being told that I looked "fabulous" well, what can I say, that just put me over the moon.  Thanks Crystal!  When Crystal left the party she told me to keep blogging that I was inspiring her.

I don't even know what to say.  The very thought that I can inspire someone, well, there is just no words for that. It's not often that I'm speechless.  I've been told a few times this week by various people that I was inspiring them and that is just way more than I ever hoped for.  It's the icing on the cake.

I still have a very long way to go and a lot of hard work to do but I want you ALL to know that every kind word that is said to me INSPIRES ME to keep going. 

Thank you for reading my blog, thank you for being my cheerleaders.

As I told my friends tonight....I was watching the Fat Chef show last night and at the end of the show the chefs lost about 50 pounds (still had more to go) but there was a party, they were surrounded by their family and friends. I thought that was pretty cool.  So I think that when I get to my goal, we shall have a big ol party!  After all, I may be doing all the dieting and exercising but i'm not in this alone.  Each and every one of you that are a part of my life (whether I see you daily, weekly, monthly, yearly or only online) are a big part of what I'm doing. You may not know it but the little things you do and say mean so much.

You guys all have a special place in my heart and I hope you know how much your support means to me.

I am lucky and blessed to have you in my life.

Friday, March 2, 2012


It was not my intention to blog about every pound lost (I was going to check in every 5-10 or so once I reached the first goal) but how can I not post about my excitement. 

I went out last night after work, went to dinner, had a salad and some coconut shrimp.  Got up this morning to get on the scale (keep in mind I always get nervous getting on the scale after going out to eat, even when I know I didn't eat that much or that bad)  I totally expected to have the same number I had yesterday. 

Imagine my surprise when the scale told me I lost ANOTHER pound!   I was absolutely thrilled.  That makes 27 total.   I'm so close to 30 (remember how I like even numbers). 

The more the numbers go down, the more I believe in myself.  I am so glad I started this journey, it's already been an adventure.  I can't wait to see where it goes from here.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Plate Watchers

There are are pros and cons to making my journey public.   The Pros are wonderful; the cheerleading from friends, the compliments, they really lift  you up.

 The cons, well let me just refer to the biggest con as "The Plate Watchers".  The Plate Watchers are people (people who shall not be named like Harry Potter's Lord Voldemort) who watch everything  you put on your plate.

 Let me give you an example. 

After a birthday celebration (at work) my friend asked me to bring him a piece of cake. I cut a nice big piece of cake and started walking down the hallway. The Plate Watcher says "don't eat that, that's not good for  you".  Now first of all I have not even discussed my journey with this particular Plate Watcher. Second of all this cake was not even for me so I would have really liked to throw the cake right in her face.

Now imagine work super hard over the weekend to reach your goal.  Top it off with "that time of the month" and you are dying for chinese food.  So you get a plate, a smaller plate than normal. I measured the plates...yes, I normal plate would have been 11 inches in diameter. This plate that I used was 9 inches in diameter.  I have some rice, some chow mein, 1 boneless rib, and a fried shrimp.  Much less than what I normally would have. I decide to have some more chow mein and I get the look from the Plate Watcher.  

 Well Mr. or Ms. Plate Watcher you go ahead, watch my plate all you want.  Give me "the look",  tell me I'm eating too much....I say this.....I am in control. I've lost 26 pounds.  I'm eating like a normal person. I know what I have to do.  Thank you for being concerned, I appreciate it.  But I am being accountable.  I get on that scale every morning and I'm ok...I can do this. I will do this and I will not fail. Failure is not part of the vocabulary any longer. 

My promise to  you is this.....If I feel out of control, If I feel like I'm falling off the wagon....I will ask you to watch my plate but until then go right ahead and me win!

Girl Scout Cookie (follow up)

We should be winding down now with the amount of Girl Scouts we see trying to suck you in...evil temptresses in disguise. I have no more Girl Scout temptations in the house and I'm happy to report that I achieved my goal of not having a single delicious bite of those tempting, high calorie treats.  Did I miss them?  Maybe a little bit.  Did it kill me not to have one, definately  not. Especially when it really is hard to stop at just one.  As I announced the other day to my daughter that I did not have a single cookie and was proud of my accomplishement, she was so cute as she said "I hope next year you can have one".  Yes, maybe next year I will have just one. It's exciting to think of what life will be like next year at this time...a new thinner me awaits with a brand new wardrobe.

Numbers vs What I see

I love getting on the scale to see declining numbers. Down one more. Yay me. But I wish I could see the difference.  Other people are starting to see or have seen recently.  That's encouraging. But I just don't see it.  I look in the mirror and still see what I have for years.  It's not quite time yet to buy new clothes, hoping that the pounds will continue to fall off and maybe in April I will go get some spring clothes and finally be able to tell. 

Monday, February 27, 2012

I DID IT!!!! (finally)

It took a little sacrifice and a lot of exercise this weekend but I did it.  I hit the 25 pound mark!!!!  I'm very excited.  I can move on to the next 25 pound goal.  Twenty five pounds...thats 25 boxes of butter, or 5 bags of sugar.  If I had to go to the store and pick up 5 bags of sugar and walk around with it I imagine that would be a heavy load to carry. In fact maybe I will try that next time I go to the store.  It feels good to meet a goal.  I'm excited to start the next goal though I'm fully aware that the next 25 pounds will be harder to obtain. I will do it.  There are so many wonderful and exciting things that await at the end of the journey. Though the journey will never truly end it will just take a different road.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Inner Diva (bad dinner)

Was so looking forward to going to dinner tonight.  Was going to the Country Inn where I would get either scallops, baked stuffed shrimp or scrod. That's what was on my mind. When we got there I found out there was an hour wait. So off we went to DiParma. I like DiParma, I usually get Chicken Marsala and it's delicious. I wanted to get something different, I always order the same thing at the same restaurants.  I thought about the pan seared haddock and I thought about the ravioli with meatballs.  Since I'm struggling with two more pounds I decided to get the haddock figuring that would be the more healthy choice.  When it was put in front of me I had to hold back the Diva in me.  It was so not what I was hoping for, It was haddock over angel hair with some kind of sauce and artichokes and tomatoes.  I hate artichokes, tomatoes not on the top of my list and who wants their fish over spaghetti.  This just wasn't a dish for me. So now I'm totally frustrated and unsatisfied. There is nothing worse than dieting, looking forward to a nice meal and not getting what you want.  I'm moving on though. In the past I would keep looking for something to eat until I found that something that would satisfy me. (Usually I would be satisfied only after eating a bunch of stuff I didn't really want prior to finding the satisfying food).  After dinner I went to the mall to walk. I had every intention of doing 2 miles but the mall closes at 9 so I only got 1 mile in.  Better than nothing.  I think I will try to go back tomorrow and do 2 miles then.  I really need to wake up Monday morning and be able to move on to the next goal. I really don't want to have to beat up the scale again.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Next day guilt

I suppose it's a good thing, I've reached the point that I have guilt for eating something I know I shouldn't have.  Was in NYC yesterday. Had a light breakfast, no lunch, no snacks, but ate almost my whole dinner which was chicken and pasta, appetizer, and a couple drinks.  Also had a few bites of cheesecake.  Really feel like I over did it. Looking back on past eating habits, this was nothing but I'm still in the pursuit of those two pounds I need to reach my goal. Because it was my birthday I gave myself permission to indulge a little.  The guilt still came.  Today is a new day and we are back on track.  Telling myself...let's get this done...2 pounds to 25 and then we can move forward with a new goal.