Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Real Challenge Begins

Memorial Day Weekend is upon us. . . the unofficial start to summer.  This is where the real challenge is going to begin.  With a summer full of bbq's, traveling, parties and more, I am going to need to stay at the top of my game. 

As the weather heats up, I know the old excuse from the past will creep into my head...."It's too hot to walk".  So when that thought comes through this crazy twisted mind of mine I need to remember that early am and late pm are great times to walk when the weather is cooler.  No excuses.

Summer is a busy travel time for the new plan is to only stay at hotels that have a fitness center (which most do) and to make sure that I find time in the day to exercise. Preferably in the morning so there is no excuse of being tired or saying I did a lot of walking today that will count.  No I must go that extra mile and continue with the regular exercise.

BBQ's and parties, there are plenty of them. . . lots of summer birthdays, I've been invited to many weddings, and of course different eating habits on vacation. . . I've seemed to have my eating habits in check but these events can still be scary especially being on vacation. On vacation you tend to fall out of habit.  My goal this year will be to come back from vacation and at least maintain, but I am aiming for a continued weight loss.

I remember one year I was doing pretty well on a diet. I went on vacation and all hell broke loose. . .the diet was out the window. I came home and vacation mode continued indefinately.   Well not this year.  I don't intend on even going into vacation mode.  As it gets closer I'll come up with a plan, research restaurants in the area and stick to it.

So I say. . . bring on the summer. . . I will conquer it.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Changes keep on coming....

Well, not weight loss related but still a big change; something I've been wrestling with for a good month or so now.  I've decided to quit my part time evening job.  My schedule has been so crazy for the last four years. Get up, go to my full time job from 8:30p-5pm, go to my part time job from 5:30pm-8:30pm and in between find time for family, friends, myself, and all the things that go along with every day life.  I can't believe how I've done it for so long and got everything done. Of course I couldn't have done it on my own, I've had help along with way. Good friends who've given the kids rides at the drop of a dime. 

Since I've started my weight loss journey, it's gotten even crazier, I would get home at 8:45pm and go for a walk, not that I mind walking at night but if I get home at a normal hour I could go for a longer walk.  I can put more thought into what's for dinner and plan healthier meals and I can spend more time on my writing.

Yes, I will miss the extra money but I think just the money I will save from not getting take out so much will make up for it.

Anyone with good crock pot recipes or any others please feel free to forward!  I miss cooking.  However this will become another challenge as loving to cook is partially how I've gained all the weight in the past.  So there is another goal, learning how to cook without overeating what I cook.

After more days have gone by this month than I like without a weight loss, I'm happy to say this morning's weigh in made me happy.....Total down is 42 pounds.  That a lot of boxes of butter.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Felt like a Celebrity

I was at the grocery store Friday night when I was taken by surprise; someone I hadn't seen in a while came up behind me and said "hey beautiful". My first reaction was they couldn't possibly be talking to me. As I turned I was pleasantly surprised to see my friend Keri.  I hadn't seen  her in awhile and she made me feel like a celebrity as she took notice of how I've changed so far.  She said that everything about me has changed (in a good way of course) and how good I look.  Keri, thank you for that ego boost.  She also told me how much she enjoyed reading everything I'm writing on the blog.  I really appreciate that as this is a very important and personal project and journey.

With May more than half way over, I'm a bit disappointed that I haven't lost much more than I have this month but it was quite an accomplishment hitting the 40 pound mark.  I've really stepped up the exercise this week, and even went on a 2 hour walk last night.

My next goal is to lose 19 more by the end of July.  That will put me more than half way to my goal.

So I will keep on keeping . . . . I will keep my positive attitude knowing what I've already accomplished and also knowing that I will reach the goal there is no doubt about it.  How can I not with all of you believing in me the way you do. You may never know how much all of your support and encouragement means.  I'm not sure that I can find the words to tell you. 

All I know is that I am lucky to have some very special people in my life.  It has helped me make it this far.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A New View on Exercise

Ok ya'll. . . .I think you best be sitting down for this. . . I have officially decided that. . . wait for it. . . I can't believe I'm about to say this but I LIKE TO EXERCISE.  Yes, it's true. For those who know me well, I hope I didn't cause you to have a heart attack. 

I officially made this decision last night while on the eliptical machine.  I was thinking about how when I first started my journey (and prior to) how I absolutely hated any kind of exercise.  Four and half months later I am actually enjoying it. I never thought I would see this day.

I've been walking which I love and I've even come to like my workouts on the eliptical. Not as much as walking but I've come to terms with it.  I can walk for an hour or more but when it comes to the eliptical I find it a bit boring so I do have to push myself.  If a day goes by that I can't exercise I get upset. I'm actually sorry that I missed my workout.

Last night I really only had time for a 20 minute workout but I will tell you that I pushed myself so hard on that machine. It was not a 20 minute stroll, it was definately equal to 20 minutes of running and by the time I got off I was sweating.  I felt good and I loved it.

A big help has been my music. I tend to get lost in my workout with the right music. (The right music for me). As much as I like country music, it just doesn't make me move,  even the most upbeat, most pop sounding country music is not getting me moving, now I will turn to it for my warm up and cool down.  What is getting me moving is more rock and heavy metal.  I really love having the Ipod where I customize my workout play list.

I find exercising now to be peaceful and a great way to escape and have some alone time.  I always thought that it would be more fun to have someone to exercise with (and yes that is fun too) but it's a great way to decompress from the day and think and really get to know yourself.

I definately do see more results the next morning after exercising vs. not. 

I'm looking foward to getting past this grey, rainy weather we've been having so I can get out and walk more, play some tennis, and as the pounds melt away, maybe get back to somethings that I used to enjoy like skating, bike riding or maybe try something  new. 

Once the kids are out of school I'd love to get up early (yes, I did say get up early...I know I'm not an early bird) go for a walk and then come home from work and do another workout.  That is a new goal is to have two workouts a day.  

I've come a long way in a short time. If I can do it anybody can!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Everything Changes

I never realized how losing weight makes everything in your life change. Of course there is the obvious the change in your physical appearance. This happens slowly over time but eventually you and everyone else start to see this. 

There are the mental changes, the way you feel about yourself, the more weight you lose the happier you are and it show's (I've actually been told that I've been glowing). 

Then there the things you can do that you never thought about before like bending down to pick up something up off the ground.  It was only a few weeks ago that I dropped something and bent down to pick it up and realized that I did that with such ease where as before the weight loss it was kind of awkward bending.

Losing weight has even affected that time of the month (sorry guys you can skip this paragraph, I know TMI..but it's part of the story). Gaining weight had caused me to have absolutely awful periods, heavy and long. Losing the weight makes the whole time of the month thing a breeze, they are now lighter and much shorter. 

I also find myself looking at food labels these days.  I never did that before, I never cared. But now when I'm trying to make a decision between two foods, I look to the labels to help make my decision.

I have more energy, though I've never had a shortage of God help you all when I reach my goal, I don't know if there will be any stopping me.  I just may be crazier than I am now.

And a more recent development, starting to like yourself in pictures.  For years, I would rather have taken pictures than be in them. Last week I went out with friends and took some pictures with them and thought, hmm not bad, last night was fooling around and took another picture that I can actually look at myself without cringing. 

I am seeing progress all around. 

Friday, May 4, 2012

Great Way to Start The Weekend

I've reached 40 pounds!!!!!  What a great way to start the weekend.  Setting the next goal of 10 pounds, Am going to try to get that off in the Month of May.  I've been averaging about 10 pounds a month which is awesome!!!!  On my way to work, so I will be back over the weekend to blog more. Have a great day everyone!