Saturday, August 25, 2012

Finishing What You Start

There have been so many projects that I have started in my lifetime that I have never finished. Though so many of my postings have been positive and made this journey seem like a relatively easy one, every day I wake up with the fear that this too will be something that I've started and can't finish. 

It's a challenge every day of my life to get up, get the kids ready for school, go to work, think about what I'm eating, worry about when I will fit my exercise in, when I can work on my writing, deal with school activities and dance activities, fundraise for school and dance, cook dinner, find some time for fun. Really, it's a full schedule, a full life and it's hard to juggle it all.

Just this morning, waking up on a Saturday with absolutely no plans (until 4:30), I get up, clean the house, get reminded that school shopping needs to be finished and I'm already thinking about when can I go for my walk. 

In the past I've started projects and I get bored and I quit.  I get bored very easily and it's hard to hold my attention.  So I'd be lying if I did not admit that I have this same fear for my weight loss journey.  I'm half way to my goal, so much further than I've ever been before.  I will fight on. I will keep doing what I'm doing.  I will not quit even if I get bored.  I must prove to myself that I can finish what I started.

Though this has been an exciting adventure it has also been scary. I face new challenges every day. So much in my life has already changed, the way people look at me, the way I look at myself, finding a way to handle my new self confidence while also still dealing with low self esteem, the self confidence and self esteem just seem to clash, they are battling it out to see who the end it has to be the self confidence. I can go from being so high and positive one minute and to feeling down the next. I knew that this journey would change me physically but I never expected to have to deal with the emotional highs and lows, that never came to my mind.

All I can say is that in the end I will win on all levels, and as always I have to thank everyone who is walking beside me cheering me on and dealing with or more like putting up with, my many different moods, and if you ever wonder what is going on in my head, well, hopefully that will explain it.

Next goal I'm looking forward to meeting is 25 pounds that will put me at the 75 pound mark.  So here we go. . . .

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Big 5 - 0

I FINALLY DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I knew today would be the day. After walking 9 miles in two days how could it not.  I was excited to get out of bed this morning. (Most days I'm hitting the snooze button 3 or 4 times)

I stepped on that scale with all hopes that I would see FIFTY pounds gone.  I cannot put into words the elation I felt.

FIFTY pounds, that is half way to my goal. To think that in January I started with a goal of 100 pounds to lose and I've lost half of it already, well, that just seems so much more within my reach now.

FIFTY pounds, that's FIFTY boxes of butter, that's 10 bags of flour, and it's a small child. 

I'm ready to bring on the next FIFTY!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Beautiful night for a walk

The last two evenings have been beautiful, in my opinion, for walking. I have walked 9 miles in 2 days. How about that?

I've been going about about 7ish right before it gets dark. I know some of my friends are a little concerned about me walking in the dark, but it's all good, I got my phone and I feel completely safe in my quaint, small town. I stay on the main roads. There are other people out and about walking, running, teens skateboarding.

I'm sure gonna miss the evening walks when winter hits. I have to find something else to do. Maybe join a gym or at the worst back to the eliptical. I love walking from my house "into town" to "main street USA" I love seeing all the people hanging at the coffee house, the people walking the bike path, kids riding their bikes to their friends house, people walking their dogs. I love walking down the street, passing strangers that say hello or give you a smile. It's just a good feeling, very Norman Rockwell. (Although I could have done without the old dude checking me out at the red light)

I come home from these walks refreshed, energized, destressed and inspired. I have time to think and come up with new and exciting ideas. Amazing what a little exercise can do.

In just about two weeks the kids will be back to school and that means the end of the summer. I will still have a few good months to keep on walking. I will get in every moment that I can and make it count.

I can't wait to see what next summer brings. It's sure to bring a new wardrobe, new bathing suit, and new exercise activities.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Almost there!!!!

Well, being back from vacation and back into all my regular habits is paying off.  I stepped onto the scale this morning and am down two pound! Thank God!!!!   That leaves me 1  more to go until I hit that coveted 50 pound mark.  

I'm still obsessed with the scale. My intention was to bring it with me on vacation and of course, I forgot it.  I also forgot my pedometer. I was  upset with myself, I'm so used to getting on that scale every single day.  I know they say once a week weigh ins but that just doesn't work for me.  It's when I don't get on every day that I start slipping, so this is the "weigh" it has to be.

One more pound to go til my beautiful even number. How I love even numbers!  Makes looking at the next 50 not so bad.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Even Walt Disney Failed Before he Succeeded

Yes, believe it or not the great Walt Disney failed several times before finding success so I guess I'm in good company.

I've returned from vacation and sorry to say I did not have the weight loss that I wanted. I did maintain so all was not lost. 

I did my walking, in fact the mornings in Virginia Beach were amazing. I walked the boardwalk and watched dolphins swimming in the ocean. 

I ate the best I could. Eating out 3 meals a day was a challenge in itself. I ate as much fruit in the mornings for breakfast as I could, I split sandwiches for lunch, and dinners I allowed myself to enjoy wherever we were. Dinners ranged from Mexican, to Seafood, to Steak. 

I'm back home and back in habit and routine.  I'm glad I had a plan for had I not stuck to a plan I most definately would have come back home and found a few of those pounds that I had lost.

Hoping to report on Monday that those elusive 3 pounds are gone.