Wednesday, September 19, 2012

My talking scale

Believe it or not my scale talks to me. Okay, not really talks in a communicative type of way but the numbers on the scale talk to me. They tell me when I've done the right things and the wrong things.

I loved what the scale had to tell me today. I got on in the usuall manner, the same time as every day. I stood there wondering where I was at. When the numbers on the scale finally stopped moving I couldn't believe my eyes. . . FOUR POUNDS.  Yes, F O U R (4).

Looks like all this walking is paying off.  This brings my total weight lose to 56 pounds.  I like that number. It looks good on paper (or the screen), it's an even number (which ya'll know by now that I love even numbers) and it's only 4 pounds away from 60. 

It's a good feeling to know that I am more than half way towards my goal.

It was a big jump and I can't wait to get out there for tonights walk.

Oh, and welcome to a new reader in France!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Dear Carbs

Dear Carbs,

It is with a heavy heart that I must tell you that we need to cool our relationship even more.   I know that I have been avoiding you as much as I can but I have reached a point in my life where I wish to spend even less time with you. There is no easy way to say this so I will just come out and say are bad for me.

We used to be hot and heavy three times a day whether it was bread, pasta, pototoes, muffins or some other form of delicious goodness that you infiltrated my life with.

I have to tell you that we can no longer see each other three times a day on a regular basis. I am downgrading our relationship to one meal a day, most likely at lunch.  Perhaps on special occasions I'll let you tag along for an extra meal but I need to make every effort from here on out to see you at only one meal a day.

Please do not take this personal,  it's not you, it's me.  So after our delicious pasta dinner tonight please plan on spending less time with me.


A person who needs to reach her goal more quickly.

Phase Two

When I started this weight loss journey at 100 pounds to lose I never dreamed of all the things I would accomplish. What has helped keep me going is breaking that ultra large number into small attainable goals.  Now that 52 pounds have been lost (and never to be found again, like the city of Atlantis) I am moving into phase two.

Phase two is going to be much more difficult than phase one.  I am at the point where I have to now start really looking at what I eat and I also have to start adding some different kind of exercises to my routine. Up to now portion control was the key but to lose the remainder I must make some more adjustments, adding more fruits and veggies and cutting back on my beloved carbs.

I am also going to need take a look at my schedule week to week. I am a bit more stressed out than usual with a new school schedule for my High Schooler and the fact that she needs to be at dance 6 nights a week, this means more meals on the road or better planning. I myself will be taking some classes so I need to avoid the stress eating that has sabotaged me in the past. 

So careful thought and planning is what I need to get me through phase two. The plan is to hit that 100 pound mark and then take a look at where I'm at and see if I need and/or want to go for any more. If I decided to go any further than 100 it will be no more than 50.  We shall see at that point.

So, phase two here I come.

And WELCOME to my new reader from Vietnam!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Officially more than half way and holidays

My scale was very kind to me this told me that I have lost another 2 pounds. This makes me offically more than half way to my goal.  I'm completely amazed at myself for coming this far.

The new jeans I've bought are already starting to get loose and that is crazy because I haven't lost a ton of weight since I've purchased them but I guess with exercising I must be creating muscle, losing inches and the body continues to change.  The body really is an amazing machine.

I have to be honest, I'm starting to get a little anxious because we are heading into the hardest season related to food. The holidays are approaching, the first thing to be heading our way will be Halloween.  I've been great with not having candy. I have had some here and there but I will buy a bar break off a small piece and give the rest away.  I have some time to come up with my plan but I'm well aware that from Halloween to the end of February is a big danger zone for me.

This season brings Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Years Eve, New Years Day, Valentines and the birthday trifecta (mine and my two kids; for those of you who don't know, I was born on Feb 20, my Daughter also on Feb 20 and my Son on Feb 19).  February brings  lots of cake and parties.  I say let the challenge begin I will take this challenge and I will be victorious.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Well, here's an oxy-moron for you....Skinny Jeans for a Fat Person....I bought two pairs of new jeans last week. I just couldn't take it anymore walking around in jeans that were clearly too big.  So I was very happy to find two pairs that actually fit me. No belt needed (yet anyway), I can walk and they don't fall down, and I must say, I do like they way they look.

I bought two styles, one pair of boot cut and one pair of skinny jeans which I find completely in a style called skinny jeans.

So today, I can chuckle to myself all day knowing I am wearing skinny jeans.

When I went to the store, I was very happy to find I had choices, different cuts and styles, the style I ended up with was Hollywood Skinny jeans, well, when I saw what they were called, I knew they were for me. : ) LOL.

I won't be adjusting my pants today, nor will I be stepping on them.  Yay for skinny jeans for fat people.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Seasons Change

Though it's not officially fall yet, the kids are back to school, Labor Day has come and gone and I cleaned out all my drawers. 

This past Saturday I was in the mood for Fall Cleaning and that's just what I did. I had been walking around all summer long wearing shorts that were two sizes too big -- I still have a hard time shopping, I'm still not at the point where I'm overly thrilled to go buy new clothes and it's still hard for me to find things that fit just right so I just stuck to what was comfortable.

As I was cleaning I finally found it in me to get rid of everything that was way too big.  I ended up with a huge pile of clothes, shorts and shirts and pants that just doesn't fit anymore.  Shorts that fall down when you walk and shirts that when you bend over everything hangs out.  It was time, time to say good bye to these clothing items that had, in the past, served me well. 

In past years and past diets I was always afraid to part with the clothes that didn't fit because I always had the thought in the back of my head "what if I get rid of them and I don't lose the weight or gain back what I lost". Well that thought is no longer in my head. By thinking that I gave myself permission to fail.  I got rid of the clothes this time knowing for a fact that I will never need them again.  I know that next summer I will be buying a whole new summer wardrobe and I know that I will have fun doing it for I know that I will be where I want to be with my goals. 

This past summer brought a lot of new habits and new successes.  I now walk at least 4 miles three or four times a week, I plan better for vacations, I've conquered ice cream and I hit my 50 pound goal. 

The next few months will be the most challenging as the holiday season is fast approaching and has been the downfall to many a lifestyle change in the past.  My new goal is to lose an additional 25 pounds by the end of the year and to beat the holiday season.

The seasons are changing and so am I.