Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Seasons Change

Though it's not officially fall yet, the kids are back to school, Labor Day has come and gone and I cleaned out all my drawers. 

This past Saturday I was in the mood for Fall Cleaning and that's just what I did. I had been walking around all summer long wearing shorts that were two sizes too big -- I still have a hard time shopping, I'm still not at the point where I'm overly thrilled to go buy new clothes and it's still hard for me to find things that fit just right so I just stuck to what was comfortable.

As I was cleaning I finally found it in me to get rid of everything that was way too big.  I ended up with a huge pile of clothes, shorts and shirts and pants that just doesn't fit anymore.  Shorts that fall down when you walk and shirts that when you bend over everything hangs out.  It was time, time to say good bye to these clothing items that had, in the past, served me well. 

In past years and past diets I was always afraid to part with the clothes that didn't fit because I always had the thought in the back of my head "what if I get rid of them and I don't lose the weight or gain back what I lost". Well that thought is no longer in my head. By thinking that I gave myself permission to fail.  I got rid of the clothes this time knowing for a fact that I will never need them again.  I know that next summer I will be buying a whole new summer wardrobe and I know that I will have fun doing it for I know that I will be where I want to be with my goals. 

This past summer brought a lot of new habits and new successes.  I now walk at least 4 miles three or four times a week, I plan better for vacations, I've conquered ice cream and I hit my 50 pound goal. 

The next few months will be the most challenging as the holiday season is fast approaching and has been the downfall to many a lifestyle change in the past.  My new goal is to lose an additional 25 pounds by the end of the year and to beat the holiday season.

The seasons are changing and so am I.

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