Thursday, July 26, 2012

Checking in before Vaca

Just wanted to take a moment and check in with  ya'll before leaving for vacation. Still so much to do, haven't even started packing yet.  I will be leaving Sunday morning.  I will be laptop free so I won't be able to post again until the week of August 6th.

But until then, I have my plan in place. This is the first real vacation that I am going on since I've started this journey. I'm excited to see how this new me handles vacation. 

I will continue to exercise, I will be mindful of what I'm eating and I will keep a food journal be it handwritten or by pictures.  I'm determined to come back from this trip with a weight loss.

More importantly I will come back from this trip and not be on vacation mode.  In the past when I vacationed, I would just eat whatever I want. When returning home I would still be in that vacation mode for months.

That Lisa is gone.  This is the new Lisa, the Lisa that cares, the one that is motivated and the one that has brand new pink running shoes. (Yes, I'm still excited about those darn shoes. LOL)

To all of you, I wish a safe, happy, healthy week and I will see you when I get back.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Internet articles

Six months ago if there was a conversation taking place around me about exercise I would very quietly slink away.  Today, I start those conversations and more excitingly (is excitingly even a word? is I find myself reading internet articles about exercise.  Who would have thought.  I even bought myself a pair of pink running shoes today.....Check these out.

Now does that say Lisa or me!

Now I can run in proper attire and not have my feet hurt!


Nobody said the Road To Thin was going to be easy. I'm most frustrated this morning. I have new batteries for my scale. I was so excited to hop on this morning hoping that today would be the day I finally hit that 50 pound mark.  Nope, it's not today.  Holding at 47 pounds, what kind of number is that to hold at?  I hate odd numbers.  I'm so hungry to reach that 50 pound mark. Todayis the day I start my food journal.  I've been doing a lot of research online checking the calories of things that I eat.  So It's time to start writing it down. I was going to do this next week while on vacation anyway. 

The good news is that the old me would be so frustrated I'd already be in a gaining weight back mode. But this new improved Lisa is holding steady, frustrated but hopeful and confident. Moving forward and not looking back. I'm still doing what I need to do even though last night I had a dream about eating a big chocolate bar. That chocolate bar can stay right there in my dream because it's no longer worth it to me.  

So there, now I've written about it, I'm moving on from being frustrated to starting my food journal and will do everything in my power to reach this goal upon return from vacation.

Sunday, July 22, 2012


Well, as a brand new fan of exercising, I'm sad to report that I need to take a small break. I've got an inflammed heel, very painful to walk.  It's the perfect morning to walk and I attempted to walk through the pain but I got to the corner and knew I couldn't make it.  I'm very upset (did I just say that? Miss Lazy? Miss, I hate exercise? Yes I do believe I did say that) I'll say it again...upset and sad that I can't walk or run.  What else can I say, I've transformed.  Here's hoping for a quick recovery because I'm really looking forward to running on the beach next week during vacation.

Friday, July 20, 2012


Good Morning Followers!

Hope your summer has been going well.  I've been crazy busy, traveling, feel like I have had a chance to catch my breath.  One more week and I'll be on vacation which will be my biggest challenge on this journey to date.  I have my plan in place to exercise every day, to keep a food journal so I don't lose track of what I'm eating and hopefully come back to a weight loss.  That is the challenge to myself.

This morning I went to step on the scale and the darn thing won't turn on. I think it needs a new battery.  I've worn it out.  Of course you all know by now my obsession with the scale. I'm pretty ticked that I couldn't get a weigh in this morning. I'm so very close to hitting my 50 pounds.

Though, I thought that I would have been there already. So I am re-evaluating what I'm doing.  At this point I think I really need to keep a food journal.  I started looking at the calories of things that I eat out at restauarants and was absoultely shocked to find the calories so high. 

I did download the Eat this Not That App so that should be somewhat helpful.

So for the next week we need to get a new scale battery, start a food journal, pack for vacation and stay motivated.

If the blog is quiet the next week or two don't worry, even though I'm on vacation, I'm not on vacation from my journey.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Skinny Girl Pina Colada

Back from a fantastic time with the posse in Boston.  Great Party. Came home with lots of funny stories and as promised i checked out the Skinny Girl line of drinks.

The Skinny Girl line by Bethany Frankel offers

Pina Colada  33 calories
Wine 100 calories
Sangria 132 calories
Cosmo's 34 calories
Margaritas 37 calories

Since the calories on these cocktails can varie widely depending on the brand and amount of alcohol you will have to do your own comparison.

As Pina Colada's are one of my favorites I decided to try that one.  The consistency was like a wine cooler so it wasn't a frozen concoction (which I prefer).  I am disappointed to say that I really didn't like it.  It was like drinking flavored water (and bad water). Keep in mind that this is just my own personal opinion and you may try it and like it. 

I am willing to try the other Skinny Girl products and when I do I will report back.  In the meantime, if you've tried any of them and have opinions to offer please feel free.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Party Time!

It's officially summer, and that means it's officially party time!  Memorial Day, 4th of July, Cookouts etc....I've learned to deal with the food but here's something that many of us don't think twice about. . . The alchoholic beverage.  It's not a party without it. Between the regularly scheduled summer fun and our famous girls gone wild nights, have a drink or two or maybe three, can add some unwanted calories.

This weekend we are once again celebrating a birthday (and believe me, we are always celebrating something, you don't have to twist the arms of my posse to celebrate anything), I think I am going to try something new....The Skinny Girl Cocktail.  There is lots of buzz about this drink line so as part of my everchanging experimentation I will try these new drinks and report back to you on Monday.

I feel it is my duty to let you know the real scoop on these low cal concoctions.

I just went to their website. . . and much to my delight I see that they have a Skinny Girl Pina Colada drink. I will be looking for that one in particular.

Now that I've come so far but still have 53 pounds to reach my goal, I will be looking for some different ways to cut back the calories even further, so stay tuned for my new eating adventures.

Have a great weekend and to all my readers from Canada to the Ukraine, thanks for being part of my journey.