Tuesday, January 31, 2012

New Old Jeans

Rummaged through my drawers this morning and got brave enough to try on an old pair of jeans and they fit.  Amazing. (paired them with a pair of shoes that ....wait for it......have heels....haven't worn heels since the time I fell down in CT on the way home from VA).   Another 10-20 pounds and it will be time to start getting rid of the old clothes that are starting to get a little big.  Can't wait.  Will keep up all routines this week but since I had the big weight loss of 4 pounds will not be expecting too much. Historically whenever I have a big drop like that a small one will follow. That's ok, I won't be discouraged....I will just keep on the journey.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Pudding Bandits

All settled in for the night, getting ready to watch tv and feel like having a snack. What shall I have?  Oh I have pudding in the refrigerator. 

I open the refrigerator door and I see the top of the box that the 6 pack of pudding came in but NO PUDDING. The pudding bandits have struck again.  I suppose this is my own fault as I did not tell anyone not to eat it. I did not put a note on it (not that it would have stopped them). 

Lesson learned I must now hide anything that I want to enjoy.  But really? Seriously, people should not have to live like this, hiding snacks from their family.  But if thats what it takes I shall do it, I will not let those pudding bandits find my next stash.

Chelos and Greggs

For my followers not from the area, Chelos and Greggs are two local restaurants well known for their delicious desserts.  The food is decent but when you say let's go to Chelos or to Greggs it's secret code for let's go and have dessert. 

This past Saturday I ate at both places because of dance competition. (I did do what I planned and brought fruit for snacks throughout the day) For lunch we went to Greggs. My plan was to have a salad with chicken salad on top.  While we were looking at the menu we noticed on the back page their was a healthy eating section that actually listed the calories.  Turns out the salad I wanted was about 510 calories vs a turkey sandwich on rye which was 490 calories. Not a huge difference but I'd rather have the sandwich over a bowl of lettuce so, I opted for the turkey sandwich.  I was very pleased to see this page in their menu. Very helpful.  Of course we had to go to the front counter and pay as the most incredible desserts stared at us.  (Noticed the desserts were staring at us...not us staring at them). 

Lunch being at 11:30 we were starving by dinner time which was 8pm (thank God for packing the snacks). We couldn't get into most restaurants as there was a 45 minute wait pretty much everywhere.   You do not want to tell a "dieting" person who hasn't had a meal since 11:30 am that they have to wait yet another 45 minutes.  So we ended up at Chelos knowing we would not have a wait.  I didn't even examine their menu to see if they had a healthy options section as I knew I was just going to have the baked scrod. 

After visiting two of our favorite dessert restaurants in one day and knowing we would NOT give into to the cheesecake, willy wonka pie, or any other fattening option but still wanting something a little sweet, we decided to ask the server what kind of pudding they had (as it was listed on the menu as a dessert option)  he then informed us that they had no pudding.  Note to Chelos please update your menu.  I made the executive decision to go to stop and shop and by good old fashion Jell-o pudding.

Went home and had dessert.  It wasn't a big ol piece of cheesecake but it hit the spot. Nothing like a cup of chocolate pudding and a dollop of cool whip.

Another successful trip dining out. I love when I can get in and out of a restaurant and stick to the plan.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Ahead of schedule

This journey is quickly becoming about pushing myself to the limit. Pushing myself to do things I didn't think I could do and challenging myself to meet certain goals.  When I started exercising I started at 10-20 minutes per night.  One of my goals was to be doing 60 minutes of exercise by February 1st.  Goal has been met early as we have two days to go and I began my 60 minute routine.  New goal: 60 minutes a night in February and come March 1st let's see if we can add a few minutes into our morning routine.  Now that's a challenge as I don't like getting up in the morning.


I knew about this yesterday but yesterday was all about Lauren and her accomplishments.  I chose to announce this today.......not only did I meet my goal of losing two pounds to make 20.....I exceeded my goal by two.  Official weight loss figure is  now at 22.  Going out this week to celebrate and starting on the next 20 pound goal (which is now only 18 to go since I'm ahead of the game).  I feel GREAT!  I feel CONFIDENT! I feel READY to take on this next challenge.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Being creative with exercise

What do you do when your eliptical machine is broken and you don't have access to the tv for your workout and it's too cold, windy, and rainy to go for a walk?   You go to the mall of course.  Walked laps around the Swansea Mall.  Walked 1.5 miles!!!

A message to team Lisa

I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who has become a follower of my blog, and those that may not be following here on The Road to Thin but are still a part of "Team Lisa".  I feel like a I have my very own fan club. The support has been overwhelming.  I hear every word that ya'll say. The encouragement, different tips I've received, it's all in a file in my head that I read mentally every day.  I appreciate every single ounce of support that  you give me and it really does make this journey much easier and definately more fun. 

I went to get my hair done today and told my stylist what I've been up to.  It was so much fun for me to see how excited she got about my journey.  It's so great to find support in the least likely places. 

This was a big week for me as several people started to notice my weight loss.  I received some very nice compliments. Today my stylist said to me "You are already such a beautiful person I can't imagine what you'll be like when you're thin".  That was such a nice thing to hear.   Of course you know already what I was thinking.....ummm I just don't see that.  I'm always the last to see things like that in myself.  But it really is nice to hear.

So thank you all from the bottom of my heart. And to those who are the closest to me,  who have been there from day one and know  where this journey will ultimately lead with my other big project (a little mystery for those who don't know...just keep reading...all will be revealed in time),  all I can say is you have inspired me and I really could not have begun this journey without your support and encouragement and it means more than I can ever find words to say. 

Though I still have a long road to travel I just wanted you to know that I really enjoy the company!

This Weekend's Challenge

Two pounds to go to make that first goal of 20!!!!!  Challenging myself to get rid of those two pounds THIS WEEKEND!!!!  When I step onto that scale on Monday I'm hoping to see that accomplishment. Now the tough part is that my daughter has a big dance competition this weekend, so there will be a lot of sitting watching dances.  I need a plan.  Usually when we are at these competitions we don't plan out our meals so there's a lot junk being eaten.  Tonight I'll be going to the store to get some healthy snacks.  If the weather is decent I think I'll go for walks between Lauren's dances. (It's at a high school so I bet there's a track) So there's a plan.  I can totally do this.  Reward when accomplished.....going out for a fun night at the movies!  I remember the day not so long ago that I'd tell myself "you lose 10 pounds you can have an ice cream sundae" what the heck was I thinking......no more rewarding with food, those days are gone.  So to Lauren and the dance team, I know you guys will be big winners this weekend....and I'm planning on being a winner too!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Who is this person?

There once was a girl who cringed at the thought of exercising. Never exercised a day in her life. Well, that's not completely true; she did take an aerobics class once and would occasionally swim. As far as a regular fitness routine, forget about it. She was much to busy. Too busy shopping, hanging with friends, working, planning vacations, too busy talking on the phone, checking facebook. You name it there would be an excuse for not exercising. 

One day this girl decided to make some changes and a miracle happened. She became dedicated to exercise.  In a little over a months time there was one night where there was no exercise and she made up for it the next evening by doing a double workout. 

Tonight, January 25, 2012 a bigger step was taken.  The eliptical machine was not working (needs a new roller, been getting too much use) and the tv with the Xbox was unavailable. Now the old Lisa would have just said oh well, there's always tomorrow. From experience we know tomorrow would lead to the next day, then the next and eventualy there would be no more exercise.  The new Lisa, the one that I'm still trying to recognize said "I'm going for a walk".  That's right, 9:00 pm, on a chilly winters night, this new Lisa went for a walk.  Hard to believe but I did it.  It felt AWESOME!


Everywhere you turn there are temptations to be found.  I'm actually having a good time challenging myself to stay away from certain things.  Monday night at work there were cupcakes.  I walked into the lunchroom to punch in and saw them. Yes, they looked very yummy and tempting but I kept on walking. Truth be told I could take or leave a cupcake it's the frosting that gets me every time.  So we shall call Monday night a success.  Tuesday night I walk into the kitchen once again to punch in and what is on the table but a big box of chocolates, I think they were truffles of some sort, I couldn't tell you...I kept walking.  Now I did sit at my desk and contemplate having "just one".  I know I could have but I also know myself and know that I'm not at a point yet to have "just one".  It really was a huge deal to not have that chocolate. To me chocolate is a major food group. Its better than.....well, let's just say it's better than a lot of things! Another success!

February is fast approaching and it's a crazy month. Valentines will bring chocolates everywhere, we have several birthdays to celebrate.  I think I will choose to bypass all dessserts and cakes and celebrations except for my own birthday.  By that time I will have been on this journey for 2 months and will try giving myself a small piece of cake knowing that the day after it's back on track. 

As a side note, it's really starting to pay off walking by refusing the small temptations because three people have told me today that they can start seeing a difference.  That meant more to me than a piece of chocolate.  It really made my day.

Once again, I'd like to thank all my cheerleaders it gives me the strength to ignore temptation.

Monday, January 23, 2012

A Failed Success

Well, I did not meet the goal of four pounds this week (I knew that was a tall order but had to try to go for it).  However getting on the scale this morning another pound gone which brings the total to 17 pounds.  I'm excited about that so I'll take it.  I will, however, make this weeks goal the three pounds I need to make the 20 mark.  I am determined to get to that number before Feb 1.  For those who have watched me be frustrated the last couple weeks when "I've only lost a pound" your words of support and encouragement have not fallen on deaf ears.  I'm extremely  happy with this pound because as of yesterday I didn't think I had lost anything. So glad to start the week off on a good note.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Girl Scout Cookie Time

The holidays are over, the first snow of the season has fallen, and on every corner you see them, smiling at you as you walk past, excitedly asking "would you like to buy some cookies?"  I'm talking about the Girl Scouts (some call them the cookie cult).  Now don't get me wrong, the Girl Scout Organization is fantastic (as are the cookies) and profits from the cookies help send the girls to camp.  I'm all for that. But for the love of God why must cookies be sold right after the holidays when everyone is on a diet?  How about selling them in October when the season of eating is upon us.  That being said, I'm challenging myself to not eat a single Girl Scout Cookie. I know that I can't stop at just one...it's a danger zone that I will not enter.  I will buy them for the kids, of course,  but I will  attempt to not eat even one Thin Mint cookie. I will not be tempted to buy a box for myself and put them in the freezer.  The problem with Girl Scout Cookies is you have one cookie and before you know it you've eaten the whole entire box.  Why is that?  Seriously am I the only one that this has happened too?  I can't possibly be the only person who has looked down into the the package for another cookie and said "where did all the cookies go?"  For those of you who have and will purchase cookies from our troop, we thank you and hope you enjoy them. You can have my share this year as well,  as I'm officially on the Great Girl Scout Cookie Sacrifice Mission!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Rome wasn't built in a day

I have to keep telling myself Rome wasn't built in a day.  The scale tells me today that another pound has melted away.  This should make me very happy but instead it frustrates me.  Why? Because I haven't yet learned to be patient and take baby steps.  Yes, I am happy that the pound is gone.  I'm hoping to never see it again.  I want more than a pound gone this week.  I have 4 pounds to go to make 20 and to get to an even number on the scale. (I like even numbers)  All the changes I've made this past month have all been great but I know I need to make more.  I think I will up the water intake and try to eat some more veggies, perhaps cut back a little more on the carbs.  I'm going to see if I can get rid of those 4 pounds by Monday. Then for my 20 pound reward, I'm going out for an ice cream sundae!... Just kidding.  Actually the old Lisa would probably do that.  Like when I used to go to Weight Watchers with friends;  we'd go weigh in and then go out for dinner (and dessert), eat whatever we wanted and justify it by telling ourselves we had a week to go.  We all see how well that turned out.  Goal is set. Operation lose 4 pounds by Monday begins.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Incredible Hulk Syndrome (replacing habits)

I think I understand how Bruce Banner felt every time he turned into the Incredible Hulk.  I was getting a little aggrevated about something at work today and could feel the stress build. I became so angry and so stressed that I could just envision myself turning into the Hulk and going crazy.  After talking it out with my cousin I came to the realization that my new "lifestyle" is starting to take it's toll.  It's been a month and this is about the time that I'd given up in the past.  I've had 1 cup of coffee in a month, no soda, no chocolate, no chips and as proud of that as I am I think it's making me a little cranky. Unintentionally of course.  (I really don't feel deprived, if I wanted it, I would have it)

Another strange thing happened due to this stress episode....as I was venting to a friend while he was smoking a cigarette, I had this unfamiliar urge to have one myself.  I would never start smoking, it's so bad for you, not to mention I really can't stand the smell. But it was the first time in my life that I was somewhat tempted. This is my body wanting to replace one bad habit with another. 

What I really need right now is to hop on the eliptical machine and work off this pent up stress.  So until I get home this evening I will have to settle for a little gum chewing (another new habit of mine).

As I mentioned, a month is usually what I get out any diet before I get bored or "go off the wagon".  Not going to happen this time.  I will remain calm, I will chew my gum, and keep the Incredible Hulk at bay. 

Monday, January 16, 2012

Increasing the excercise

I never thought I would see this day.....40 minutes on the eliptical!!!!!  Since 12/25 I have only missed one night of exercise. It was this past Thursday when I met a friend for dinner.  My intention was to get up early and get my workout done knowing that I would be home very late.  However,  in the morning rush it slipped my mind and I didn't give it a second thought until mid-afternoon.  I happened to mention this to a friend of mine and said "I guess I'll just do double tomorrow night".  Of course my friend used reverse psychology and said I wouldn't do it.  I did....Friday night, I gave it a good 40 minutes. After I did that I asked myself, If I can do 40 minutes tonight why can't I do 40 every night.....the remainder of the weekend a new 40 minute exercise routine was born. So....I am setting a new goal....40 minutes a night for the rest of the month and starting February 1st I'm going for the big 60 minutes! 

Now, a question for my followers.....how often do you exercise and what is your favorite?

More fun to share

I've been creating a lot of new habits this new year; daily exercise, drinking water and sharing.  Last night went out to dinner at the Long Horn Steak House and Matthew and I shared a dinner.  Not only did it save me the calories but it's more economical as well.  When I go to lunch with my friends, I'll order something, eat half and send the rest home with them. This way I've had something that I like without depriving myself and I don't take it home to be tempted to eat more. Everybody wins. 

Friday, January 13, 2012

Support and Accountability

It's out there...it's on facebook, it's on the blog...it's pretty much known by all my friends that I'm making changes and traveling this new journey. I'm so encouraged by all the support I'm receiving.   THANK YOU!  It's hard to put it out there for everyone to know. One of the reasons I wanted to put it out there is to hold  myself  accountable.  For me, making this journey public leaves me no room to fail.  Though it's well known that I'm a perfectionist, I must also stay in check with reality knowing that every day won't be perfect.  That change is hard and I must be.....ready for it...a word that is not usually part of my vocabulary...PATIENT.....I will learn to be patient.  However, I think learning to be patient is a lot harder than saying no to dessert. 

Beating the Exercise Boredom

I've always been a little envious of those who love to exercise or spend hours at the gym. I wished I could love it or "be into it".  I find exercise the most boring thing in the entire world and I HATE to be bored.  That being said I know exercise is a key ingredient to losing weight and it must become part of my new lifestyle.  The trick is to find things I like to do.

 I'm happy to report that I am starting to beat the exercise boredom and as scary as it is....I'm becoming an excercise nut.  It started off with the Black Eyed Peas Experience game for the X-Box Kinnect game system.  I love to dance (good exercise)  The Black Eyed Peas Experience is a super fun high energy dance game and a very good workout.  In fact I love doing this so much I'm going to soon be purchasing more dance games for the X-box.  Sometimes I get impatient having to wait for "my turn" on the big tv down stairs (there's that word impatient again...still learning the importance of patience) so instead of waiting, I have recently turned to the Eliptical Machine in the back basement (this machine has been sitting there unused for a very long time. It was the follow up equipment to the treadmill that turned into a clothes hanger).  Mr. Eliptical is my former arch enemy turned friend.  I hate to admit that I'm really enjoying a nightly workout with him. We started our relationship out at a quick 10 minutes and are now spending 30 minutes together nightly. Sometimes we'll watch a little tv during our workout and other times we'll listen to tunes on the Ipod. I'm even getting good at texting while working out - I'm a multi-tasker.  

Weatherwise we've been very lucky this winter so when the temp is just right I'll hit the bike path for a good long walk.

Contemplating a pool membership but not sure I want to spend the money yet.  I need to prove to myself that I am truly commited to my "free" exercise routine first.

So it is true there is an exercise for everyone and I'm very proud to say that it has become a part of my daily life.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Numbers on the scale

I always know when I'm totally committed to my weight loss journey because I step on the scale daily.  I know I should weigh in once a week but I have a compulsive personality -- it's all or nothing with me. I've been watching the numbers on the scale fall and 15 pounds is huge, think of it as 15 boxes of butter or 3 five pound bags of flour.  I know this is an accomplishment but when I look in the mirror I don't see any physical changes.  This to me is very frustrating.  I've had some very good friends point out a couple of things to me that I will try to keep with me 1.  Slow and steady wins the race (tough advice for an impatient person like myself but I know it's true)  2.  You didn't gain it all in a month, you're not going to lose it all in a month (again, this is true but it sure does seem to go on faster than it comes off)  3.  Try carrying around the 3 bags of flour for an hour you won't believe that you carried that extra weight around.  All wise words that I will keep in mind as I go forward.  This is a critical time as previous weight loss attempts came to a hault after about a month and 15 to 20 pounds.  On the other hand, I now fit into a pair of jeans that I wasn't able to prior to the holidays.  So I guess as long as those numbers keep moving down on the scale the physical changes will eventually show themselves.

Welcome to The Road to Thin

The Road to Thin is paved with struggles and triumphs.  For a lot of us it has been traveled unsuccessfully many times.  For some it's an annual resolution that gets forgotten about within a month.  Prior to the arrival of the new year, I did a lot of soul searching and decided to make some changes, not for anyone else but for myself.  Sometimes we spend so much time taking care of other people that we forget to take care of ourselves, we forget that we are important too.  Prior to the holidays I started what some may call a diet, but I will refer to it as a new way of life.  I don't recall what day, it was probably around the 15th of December.  You may think it's crazy to begin such a change right before the holidays but I knew that if I didn't the holidays would come, I wouldn't think of what I was eating and probably would have gained additional weight that I didn't need.  I just started watching what I eat, cut out the junk, cut out coffee and soda and to this date I've lost 15 pounds.  I have a long road to travel before I arrive at my destination but I'm more determined than I've ever been.  I've even started exercising daily and for those who know me well, know that exercise and me have never been friends.  So whether you would like to travel the road to thin with me (doesn't matter if you have 5 pounds or 50) or just want to follow my journey I hope that you enjoy the ride.