Friday, January 20, 2012

Girl Scout Cookie Time

The holidays are over, the first snow of the season has fallen, and on every corner you see them, smiling at you as you walk past, excitedly asking "would you like to buy some cookies?"  I'm talking about the Girl Scouts (some call them the cookie cult).  Now don't get me wrong, the Girl Scout Organization is fantastic (as are the cookies) and profits from the cookies help send the girls to camp.  I'm all for that. But for the love of God why must cookies be sold right after the holidays when everyone is on a diet?  How about selling them in October when the season of eating is upon us.  That being said, I'm challenging myself to not eat a single Girl Scout Cookie. I know that I can't stop at just's a danger zone that I will not enter.  I will buy them for the kids, of course,  but I will  attempt to not eat even one Thin Mint cookie. I will not be tempted to buy a box for myself and put them in the freezer.  The problem with Girl Scout Cookies is you have one cookie and before you know it you've eaten the whole entire box.  Why is that?  Seriously am I the only one that this has happened too?  I can't possibly be the only person who has looked down into the the package for another cookie and said "where did all the cookies go?"  For those of you who have and will purchase cookies from our troop, we thank you and hope you enjoy them. You can have my share this year as well,  as I'm officially on the Great Girl Scout Cookie Sacrifice Mission!

1 comment:

  1. They're addicting! I always buy some from you and then from Kate & Ashley but as much as I love them I too, don't even eat one as that will result in the empty box syndrome! I could always bring them to church and give them out...but Lord knows I gotta order! lol
