Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Incredible Hulk Syndrome (replacing habits)

I think I understand how Bruce Banner felt every time he turned into the Incredible Hulk.  I was getting a little aggrevated about something at work today and could feel the stress build. I became so angry and so stressed that I could just envision myself turning into the Hulk and going crazy.  After talking it out with my cousin I came to the realization that my new "lifestyle" is starting to take it's toll.  It's been a month and this is about the time that I'd given up in the past.  I've had 1 cup of coffee in a month, no soda, no chocolate, no chips and as proud of that as I am I think it's making me a little cranky. Unintentionally of course.  (I really don't feel deprived, if I wanted it, I would have it)

Another strange thing happened due to this stress episode....as I was venting to a friend while he was smoking a cigarette, I had this unfamiliar urge to have one myself.  I would never start smoking, it's so bad for you, not to mention I really can't stand the smell. But it was the first time in my life that I was somewhat tempted. This is my body wanting to replace one bad habit with another. 

What I really need right now is to hop on the eliptical machine and work off this pent up stress.  So until I get home this evening I will have to settle for a little gum chewing (another new habit of mine).

As I mentioned, a month is usually what I get out any diet before I get bored or "go off the wagon".  Not going to happen this time.  I will remain calm, I will chew my gum, and keep the Incredible Hulk at bay. 

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