Thursday, January 12, 2012

Welcome to The Road to Thin

The Road to Thin is paved with struggles and triumphs.  For a lot of us it has been traveled unsuccessfully many times.  For some it's an annual resolution that gets forgotten about within a month.  Prior to the arrival of the new year, I did a lot of soul searching and decided to make some changes, not for anyone else but for myself.  Sometimes we spend so much time taking care of other people that we forget to take care of ourselves, we forget that we are important too.  Prior to the holidays I started what some may call a diet, but I will refer to it as a new way of life.  I don't recall what day, it was probably around the 15th of December.  You may think it's crazy to begin such a change right before the holidays but I knew that if I didn't the holidays would come, I wouldn't think of what I was eating and probably would have gained additional weight that I didn't need.  I just started watching what I eat, cut out the junk, cut out coffee and soda and to this date I've lost 15 pounds.  I have a long road to travel before I arrive at my destination but I'm more determined than I've ever been.  I've even started exercising daily and for those who know me well, know that exercise and me have never been friends.  So whether you would like to travel the road to thin with me (doesn't matter if you have 5 pounds or 50) or just want to follow my journey I hope that you enjoy the ride.


  1. I can't wait to read about your journey. You go girl!!

  2. Lisa I'm very proud of you for doing what YOU want. You have a big heart and it's so true that you do so many things for others and then after a while frustration sets in ~ and then things you want to do take a backseat. It's never easy - I just go on the Gazelle for at least 10 minutes daily so I'm right alongside you my friend :)

  3. Thank you Janice. It feels really good.
