Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Rome wasn't built in a day

I have to keep telling myself Rome wasn't built in a day.  The scale tells me today that another pound has melted away.  This should make me very happy but instead it frustrates me.  Why? Because I haven't yet learned to be patient and take baby steps.  Yes, I am happy that the pound is gone.  I'm hoping to never see it again.  I want more than a pound gone this week.  I have 4 pounds to go to make 20 and to get to an even number on the scale. (I like even numbers)  All the changes I've made this past month have all been great but I know I need to make more.  I think I will up the water intake and try to eat some more veggies, perhaps cut back a little more on the carbs.  I'm going to see if I can get rid of those 4 pounds by Monday. Then for my 20 pound reward, I'm going out for an ice cream sundae!... Just kidding.  Actually the old Lisa would probably do that.  Like when I used to go to Weight Watchers with friends;  we'd go weigh in and then go out for dinner (and dessert), eat whatever we wanted and justify it by telling ourselves we had a week to go.  We all see how well that turned out.  Goal is set. Operation lose 4 pounds by Monday begins.


  1. So proud of you darlin'!

  2. Lisa... don't be so hard on yourself! It comes off sloooowly - and it will stay off. You are determined and focused so unless the scale is tipping back the other way - you're ahead of the game!
    Love you!

  3. Thanks Janice, I know we are our own worst critics.
