Monday, January 16, 2012

Increasing the excercise

I never thought I would see this day.....40 minutes on the eliptical!!!!!  Since 12/25 I have only missed one night of exercise. It was this past Thursday when I met a friend for dinner.  My intention was to get up early and get my workout done knowing that I would be home very late.  However,  in the morning rush it slipped my mind and I didn't give it a second thought until mid-afternoon.  I happened to mention this to a friend of mine and said "I guess I'll just do double tomorrow night".  Of course my friend used reverse psychology and said I wouldn't do it.  I did....Friday night, I gave it a good 40 minutes. After I did that I asked myself, If I can do 40 minutes tonight why can't I do 40 every night.....the remainder of the weekend a new 40 minute exercise routine was born. So....I am setting a new goal....40 minutes a night for the rest of the month and starting February 1st I'm going for the big 60 minutes! 

Now, a question for my often do you exercise and what is your favorite?


  1. Amazing!!! I just keep it to about 15 minutes(sad to say) on the Gazelle and if I was smart I'd increase it.

  2. Janice, play a little game with yourself....try increasing a minute a day.
