Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Everywhere you turn there are temptations to be found.  I'm actually having a good time challenging myself to stay away from certain things.  Monday night at work there were cupcakes.  I walked into the lunchroom to punch in and saw them. Yes, they looked very yummy and tempting but I kept on walking. Truth be told I could take or leave a cupcake it's the frosting that gets me every time.  So we shall call Monday night a success.  Tuesday night I walk into the kitchen once again to punch in and what is on the table but a big box of chocolates, I think they were truffles of some sort, I couldn't tell you...I kept walking.  Now I did sit at my desk and contemplate having "just one".  I know I could have but I also know myself and know that I'm not at a point yet to have "just one".  It really was a huge deal to not have that chocolate. To me chocolate is a major food group. Its better than.....well, let's just say it's better than a lot of things! Another success!

February is fast approaching and it's a crazy month. Valentines will bring chocolates everywhere, we have several birthdays to celebrate.  I think I will choose to bypass all dessserts and cakes and celebrations except for my own birthday.  By that time I will have been on this journey for 2 months and will try giving myself a small piece of cake knowing that the day after it's back on track. 

As a side note, it's really starting to pay off walking by refusing the small temptations because three people have told me today that they can start seeing a difference.  That meant more to me than a piece of chocolate.  It really made my day.

Once again, I'd like to thank all my cheerleaders it gives me the strength to ignore temptation.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my word.... I know you're not the same person! Refusing chocolate????!!!!What have you done with my friend Lisa??? Where is she? HAHA
    Seriously I still have a piece or 2 most nights after holding off a few weeks - but that's me. I really hail you and your will power!
    Hip hip hooray!!!
