Saturday, December 29, 2012


What a fun word....Smorgasbord...(meaning extensive variety) thought it was a fitting word as I've much to say.

My blog went dark during the month of December (very unintentionally) as there was much to do for the holidays.  It's the same old problem. . . juggling "it all" Work, friends, family, going to the gym, worrying about the diet, writing the blog, writing my book and top it off with the holidays, hosting 30-40 people on Christmas Eve, quick clean up and cooking for 10 people on Christmas day.  Sure it would be a piece of cake if I was a super celebrity, I'd have a staff to do it all for me. But It's just me. Though I have to give a huge shout out to my cousin Megan whom I could not pull it off without her. She puts the tree up for me every year and and is a huge help, so Thank you Megan.

Ok, so, how did I do during the holidays with the eating?  Well, not bad but not great. This is ok.  I gave myself permisson to enjoy the holidays and I did, I ate what I wanted and yes, I at a little too much, but I maintained my weight so there is a huge success.  New Years Eve is approaching again, party at my house, we are going to order chinese and play games, I'll have what I feel like but then it's back to it and I'm confident.  It's almost like phase two. 

Phase one was successful, I learned my limits, I learned to make exercise a routine, I learned to say now, now phase two is here, this is it.  I need to lose 40 pounds for sure (though, I got a great compliment at Christmas, a friend of mine said I didn't need to lose anymore. Thanks for that but I want to).  I may want to lose more than the 40 but we will see. 

Normally I bake tons and tons of cookies, pass them out to neighbors, friends etc. But this year I stopped at only 5 kinds.  I mentioned learning my limits.  Well with the added nights at the dance studio for Lauren, my nights at the gym, Matthews new wrestling schedule, I had to accept the fact that I could not do the baking that I've done in the past, nor did I want all the extra stress or cookies in the house.  So I'm sorry to all of those who have gotten used to the box of cookies but it just wasn't feasible this year. 

I learned this holiday season to send food home, anyone who wants a plate take it...get it out of the house.  That cuts back on the amount of bad stuff hanging around

Even though I managed to maintain my weight, eating holiday food and cookies and candy just isn't as enjoyable makes me feel fat and bloated and downright crappy.  I almost feel now like I need to detox........drink lots and lots of water, eat lots of fruit, I feel like I need to get all the "bad" stuff out of my system. 

It hit me this morning...there are only a few months to go before I start thinking about having to buy shorts and I got rid of all the shorts this past fall so I need to hit this goal so I can go shopping.

January 1st is in a few days, you will start to see many weight loss commercials on's my advice....don't make a resolution, it doesn't work, just make a lifestyle change, one you can live with. A reasonable and realistic approach is best.  Did I expect to lost almost 60 pounds this year? Nope, did I hope to lose more, of course, but in the end, I will take what I lost and accept that I am a normal person and have set out on this journey living life as a normal person,, one who attends parties, and goes out to eat and is learning every day.  So if this takes me two years, so be it.  I'm in much better shape today than I was one year ago.

Happy New Year to everyone and I look forward to continuing this journey with you by my side.

Wishing you all the best in 2013