Tuesday, November 27, 2012

I survived Thanksgiving and I'm stuck

Decided to combine two blogs today.  First I survived Thanksgiving.

The plan was simple, eat what you want don't deprive. I followed that plan but was concious of what I was doing at the same time, I definately ate a bit differently from past years. I only had one roll and my slice of triple chocolate cream pie was probably the tiniest piece of pie I ever attempted to eat.  I did have two helpings of stuffing. Hey, I'm not a saint.  Something new and different for me this  year....I sent tons of stuff home with my guests. The less laying around the house the better.

That being said, I'm stuck.  Stuck at 56 pounds. I had really hoped to lose all of my 100 by new years. I was hoping it would only take a year.  I can't dwell on that and let and let it ruin what I've accomplished. If I start dwelling on what I didn't accomplish I'll slip back.  Instead I'm focusing on what I did accomplish so instead of saying I only lost 56 pounds, I need to say, hey I lost 56 pounds. that's 56 boxes of butter or small cans of crisco. And hey, I started exercising and going to the gym. I wear a smaller size.  These are all great things and big accomplishments.

So as my one year journey approaches I will celebrate what I've accomplished and set my new goal. I only need to lose 44 pounds by April.  That's a far better number than I started out with. 

I do think it's time for the dreaded food journal though.  I'm never good with those things but I'm going to give it my best shot!

And another thing...it's been said that the average person gains 7-10 pounds during the holiday season, well there's another positive because that won't be me this year.

Patience + A Positive Attitude = SUCCESS

Monday, November 19, 2012

The little things that amuse me

It's always the little things that amuse me. Traveling on this journey doesn't always have to be so serious, it's important to remember to be able to laugh at yourself.

For instance, driving home the other night I used my left and to rub my right arm for some reason, I don't know why, but while I rubbed my arm I felt something strange, I remember saying to myself "what the hell". Well, I'll be....what I felt was a muscle!  Imagine that.  These workouts at the gym are actually paying off.  I'm actually able to feel and see a sculpted bicep.  Of course I spend the whole day going around asking people to touch it.  I guess I just needed a little confirmation that I wasn't imagining this.

Tonight I had to laugh out loud. I was cashing out a purchase at Walgreens with my daughter.  The gentlemen looked at us and said "Are you sisters?"  I couldn't help but to laugh and say no, I'm her Mom.  He said "oh, you look alike, so I knew you were related."  That is the first time something like that has happened to me.

Looks like the money spent at the gym is a good investment.


I felt deep sadness and a little bit of guilt when I learned that Hostess was going out of business.  I was sad because Hostess was such a part of my childhood, Suzy Q's, Hostess Cupcakes, Twinkies, Snowballs, Ho Ho's, well, I just can't tell you how many times they served as breakfast for me when i was in High School.  There was a deep rooted attachment.

I felt guilt because all I could think of was now that I  no longer eat Hostess products, is it possible that I single handedly put them out of business? Was I responsible for all those people who will lose their jobs. 

Every time I see a girl that I think is way too thin I say to myself she needs to eat a twinkie.  Guess I'll have to come up with something new to say.

I went to the grocery store to buy a box of Twinkies, I was going to pass them out at Thanksgiving and they were all gone, a mad rush on Twinkies, who would have thought.

In all seriousness, I do hope that Hostess can work something out or be bought by another company who will keep the products we all grew up with alive for the next generation.

Remember eat your Hostess products in moderation.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Catching Up

Hi Ya'll!  It's been a bit since I've been able to blog.  Taking some time tonight to catch you up on what's been going on.

Total Weight Loss is 56lbs and holding. Weight is starting to come off much slower now but that's ok, as long as the numbers on the scale are not moving up we are doing just fine. Slow and steady wins the race.

I've been taking writing classes. I've finally decided what I want to be when I grow up and that is a writer.  Some of you know and many of you don't but I think now is a good time to tell everyone...I've started writing a book.  The book is about the struggles of being overweight and the journey to The Road To Thin.  The book will be complete when I reach my final goal.  That's all I'll say for now about that.

I am faithfully going to the gym and I love it!  I just get a kick out of saying "I'm headed to the gym"  Never in a million years did I think that would be me.  The weather is pretty crappy tonight and it would have been a great night to stay in but I still went to the gym. 

I survived Halloween!  I bought candy that I didn't like to give out to the trick or treaters and I have not raided my childrens bags.  I had two pieces of candy and called it a day. 

I had two awesome compliments tonight. My son gave me a hug and said to me "Mom, you're getting so skinny I can put my arms all the way around you now and I couldn't do that before."  I tell you, that sure made my night. I have always loved hugs but I love them so much more now because I can tell the difference when I get a hug, people really can reach all the way around and give a better hug.

The other really awesome thing that made my night was when my daughter told me tonight on the way home from dance that her friend saw me walk into the dance studio and said to her "is that  your mom?"  Lauren said yes and her friend said "she looks good".  First of all for my teenage daughter to share that information was huge and for her equally teenage friend to say that to her well, I'm so glad.  We all know the sense of pride we feel when someone randomly compliments the people we love.

Thanksgiving is in two weeks, I'm feeling pretty confident about how I will handle the holiday. 

These days if you are looking for me you can find me either at work, the dance studio, or the gym.

Have a great week!

Welcome to all my new readers, a special hello to the reader in Russia!