Tuesday, November 27, 2012

I survived Thanksgiving and I'm stuck

Decided to combine two blogs today.  First I survived Thanksgiving.

The plan was simple, eat what you want don't deprive. I followed that plan but was concious of what I was doing at the same time, I definately ate a bit differently from past years. I only had one roll and my slice of triple chocolate cream pie was probably the tiniest piece of pie I ever attempted to eat.  I did have two helpings of stuffing. Hey, I'm not a saint.  Something new and different for me this  year....I sent tons of stuff home with my guests. The less laying around the house the better.

That being said, I'm stuck.  Stuck at 56 pounds. I had really hoped to lose all of my 100 by new years. I was hoping it would only take a year.  I can't dwell on that and let and let it ruin what I've accomplished. If I start dwelling on what I didn't accomplish I'll slip back.  Instead I'm focusing on what I did accomplish so instead of saying I only lost 56 pounds, I need to say, hey I lost 56 pounds. that's 56 boxes of butter or small cans of crisco. And hey, I started exercising and going to the gym. I wear a smaller size.  These are all great things and big accomplishments.

So as my one year journey approaches I will celebrate what I've accomplished and set my new goal. I only need to lose 44 pounds by April.  That's a far better number than I started out with. 

I do think it's time for the dreaded food journal though.  I'm never good with those things but I'm going to give it my best shot!

And another thing...it's been said that the average person gains 7-10 pounds during the holiday season, well there's another positive because that won't be me this year.

Patience + A Positive Attitude = SUCCESS

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