Saturday, August 10, 2013

One change at a time

Did ya miss me?  I missed you. Thanks to all those who write me and ask for a blog, or ask where I've been.  Not only does it make me feel good but you keep me on my toes.  That is why I chose to bring you all along on this journey with me. To keep me honest. Thank  you for that.

It's been a very busy summer, have done a lot of traveling, South Carolina, NYC, getting ready to leave for Florida.

I had just received a message from a friend who was checking in on me and said she needed some help to get back on her journey and then my doorbell rang and it was my friend Sandra with some strawberries...Thanks Sandra!  Sandra and I had a long talk about how everything in life comes first and we always put ourselves last (you will see that is a constant theme in this blog but it is so true). We all need to reprioritize....bump ourselves up in the order of importance.  Now is the time. It's time to get on a good path before those holidays come and try to sabatoge all we've done.

When I lose my way, I go back to the beginning, back to basics.  I try to change one habit a week.  This week, I'm going to make sure I'm getting all that water that is very important.  I challenge you to do the same. 

We can do this!

This blog is dedicated to Annie and Sandra!