Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Changes keep on coming....

Well, not weight loss related but still a big change; something I've been wrestling with for a good month or so now.  I've decided to quit my part time evening job.  My schedule has been so crazy for the last four years. Get up, go to my full time job from 8:30p-5pm, go to my part time job from 5:30pm-8:30pm and in between find time for family, friends, myself, and all the things that go along with every day life.  I can't believe how I've done it for so long and got everything done. Of course I couldn't have done it on my own, I've had help along with way. Good friends who've given the kids rides at the drop of a dime. 

Since I've started my weight loss journey, it's gotten even crazier, I would get home at 8:45pm and go for a walk, not that I mind walking at night but if I get home at a normal hour I could go for a longer walk.  I can put more thought into what's for dinner and plan healthier meals and I can spend more time on my writing.

Yes, I will miss the extra money but I think just the money I will save from not getting take out so much will make up for it.

Anyone with good crock pot recipes or any others please feel free to forward!  I miss cooking.  However this will become another challenge as loving to cook is partially how I've gained all the weight in the past.  So there is another goal, learning how to cook without overeating what I cook.

After more days have gone by this month than I like without a weight loss, I'm happy to say this morning's weigh in made me happy.....Total down is 42 pounds.  That a lot of boxes of butter.


  1. THAT IS AWESOME LISA!!!!! As far as the second job goes....I don't know how you did it?!?! And with everything else that you do!? There is this acronym that some of my kids friends were saying (which my kids HATE so I say it to bug them!) "YOLO!!" (You only live once!!) So take more time for you!!

  2. Thanks Marie. It will take some getting used to but I'll do it. I have some big goals to achieve and need the time to put into it.
