Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A New View on Exercise

Ok ya'll. . . .I think you best be sitting down for this. . . I have officially decided that. . . wait for it. . . I can't believe I'm about to say this but I LIKE TO EXERCISE.  Yes, it's true. For those who know me well, I hope I didn't cause you to have a heart attack. 

I officially made this decision last night while on the eliptical machine.  I was thinking about how when I first started my journey (and prior to) how I absolutely hated any kind of exercise.  Four and half months later I am actually enjoying it. I never thought I would see this day.

I've been walking which I love and I've even come to like my workouts on the eliptical. Not as much as walking but I've come to terms with it.  I can walk for an hour or more but when it comes to the eliptical I find it a bit boring so I do have to push myself.  If a day goes by that I can't exercise I get upset. I'm actually sorry that I missed my workout.

Last night I really only had time for a 20 minute workout but I will tell you that I pushed myself so hard on that machine. It was not a 20 minute stroll, it was definately equal to 20 minutes of running and by the time I got off I was sweating.  I felt good and I loved it.

A big help has been my music. I tend to get lost in my workout with the right music. (The right music for me). As much as I like country music, it just doesn't make me move,  even the most upbeat, most pop sounding country music is not getting me moving, now I will turn to it for my warm up and cool down.  What is getting me moving is more rock and heavy metal.  I really love having the Ipod where I customize my workout play list.

I find exercising now to be peaceful and a great way to escape and have some alone time.  I always thought that it would be more fun to have someone to exercise with (and yes that is fun too) but it's a great way to decompress from the day and think and really get to know yourself.

I definately do see more results the next morning after exercising vs. not. 

I'm looking foward to getting past this grey, rainy weather we've been having so I can get out and walk more, play some tennis, and as the pounds melt away, maybe get back to somethings that I used to enjoy like skating, bike riding or maybe try something  new. 

Once the kids are out of school I'd love to get up early (yes, I did say get up early...I know I'm not an early bird) go for a walk and then come home from work and do another workout.  That is a new goal is to have two workouts a day.  

I've come a long way in a short time. If I can do it anybody can!

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