Sunday, March 4, 2012


Decided to have a little fun today. Went to Stop & Shop with Lauren and Sasha.  Wanted to actually feel how much weight I've lost, so I was loaded up with 5 bags of sugar (5lbs each)  and 2  one pound boxes of lard - this made up the weight of 27 pounds.  The girls made me do a lap around Stop & Shop and let me tell you carrying around 27 pounds was heavy.  Now 27 pounds ago the weight on myself was distributed differently but it was amazing to feel how much weight that really is.  As I walking through the store, my breathing was heavy, and it was very hard to carry around that weight. So there will be no more whining from myself about how I can't see what I've lost.....because....I've actually felt what it feels like to carry around that weight.   Click on the link below to see  our crazy, funny video from today.