Friday, March 23, 2012

Taming the Beast

Let's talk about Thursday.....I had a bad day, I worked 12 hours I got home thinking there would be some dinner waiting. There wasn't. This just sent me into a bit of a diva I'm a big girl perfectly capable of making my own dinner and there is no rule saying that there has to be a dinner waiting for me I said, It was a very bad day.  Top this off by being asked at 10:00pm by your beautiful teenage daughter to please go to CVS to get something that she needs (yes it was important). As I'm driving to CVS all I'm thinking about is Chocolate and how I would love to just buy a couple of candy bars and drown my anger with it. 

I had to have a talk with myself.....I had to remind myself that first of all eating away your anger is a habit of the past. Secondly I've worked so hard to get where I'm at and third...I still have a long way to go and I don't want any set backs.  Furthermore eating away the anger isn't going to help, I would just be angry at myself for eating that candy.

The talk with myself worked.....I worked it out on my own and not by eating things I shouldn't.  I have to say that I'm very proud of myself for doing that.

Now there is not guilt to worry about and the candy did not win.


  1. I am so proud of you (and me)! Keep it up.

  2. I can finally leave comments .. Took awhile to figure out how. how do I start a blog? Care to enlighten me?

  3. thanks Annie...Yay us!!!! so glad you can leave comments now.
