Thursday, March 15, 2012

Ice Cream

A friend of mine took notice today of my weight loss.   He said "you're melting away like an ice cream cone" which I thought was a funny thing because I wanted to talk about ice cream tonight.

Ice Cream has got to be my most favorite treat in the whole entire world.  I could eat it every day, morning, noon and night. In fact I have been known in the past to have ice cream for breakfast. As a kid it was a big treat to have ice cream for dinner. I remember Dad taking us out to the movies and stopping at friendlys beforehand and saying we could have ice cream for dinner.  I've done this with my own children. 

There are so many varieties and brands, it's never ending.  The only flavor I won't touch is vanilla, though French vanilla is good.  We have Ben & Jerry's, Godiva, Haagen Das, Friendly's. You can have it plain or with candy. You can have it in a bowl, in a cone or with toppings like peanut butter, whip cream and cherries.

One of my favorite things to do when the kids have a sleepover is to have a midnight make your own sundae bar. 

I can sit here and rate the varieties and brands and tell you that Gray's Ice Cream in Tiverton is raved about by many locals but I hated it. Somerset Creamery is the best for homemade hard serve. I can tell you you that Handels Ice Cream in Virginia totally rocked.  I will vote Friendly's the winner over Newport Creamery. When on vacation I'm always on the search for a Dairy Queen Blizzard.  Peppermint Stick ice cream is the traditional treat when all Christmas Shopping is done, I've been doing that for more years than I can remember.  Pistachio and Mint chocolate chip need to be green. I've had "natural" flavors and when they are white and not green well it's just not the same.  I could write for hours about ice cream.

That all being said, I haven't had the wonderful creamy delicious concoction of my dreams since well before the holidays.  I haven't been tempted either.  However....driving down Rt 6 the other day I saw it...the sign in front of Somerset Creamery (only the best ice cream on the planet) telling me that opening day was March 23rd.  This is sure to be followed by Eskimo King (who has delicious soft serve ice cream in over 250 flavors).  It's the thing to do in the summer...get in the car and take the kids for ice cream.

In the past I've always gone to Somerset Creamery for lunch on the first day that they opened for the season.  This year I won't. I must break tradition.  I'm not saying that I will go the whole summer without ice cream. I will have a bit.  But I realize that it just takes too long to burn off those extra calories and I have to weigh it out...indulge in the sweet treat or spend more time exercising?

I will plan my ice cream eating very carefully. Perhaps I'll try a frozen yogurt instead. Perhaps I'll order a kids size.  I definately will not be indulging in any sundaes or bannana splits like my grandma used to take me out for.  I remember when I was a kid eating two bananna splits in one sitting. 

There are also plenty of other treats in the frozen section of the grocery store that should be able to keep me happy.  There are popsicles and fudgicles that are low in calories. 

Bring it on, I won the girl scout cookie challenge, I will conquer the ice cream as well.

Now, I want to know how many of you will be having ice cream after reading this. :)

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