Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Awesome Week

So far it's been a really awesome week, I've walked 9 miles since Sunday.  Been drinking tons of water, sticking with the left hand experiment and just in general HAPPY!   Happy because I went out tonight and bought a new outfit....and bought everything a size smaller than normal.  A pair of faded jean capris, a hot pink cami and a hot pink sweater to go over the cami.  Yes, you read that correctly I did say hot pink.....not black like I always buy...but hot pink.  I bought a color.  So, I've walked 9 miles and bought a colored top....I'd say that's two pretty big accomplishments right there.  All day long today all I did was adjust my jeans.  They were getting a bit big, so I figured it was time to be brave and go to the store.  I was very nervous as I took the smaller size off the rack. I said to myself "If I try these on and they don't fit I will be so discouraged"  I actually had 3 pairs that I tried on.....they all fit but I didn't like the way some looked.  So 3 different pants, 3 different styles and they all fit, I could button them, zip them and it was awesome!  I only bought one pair because I don't want to invest a ton of money into clothes right now as I still have much more to lose.  But I took those pants and that top to the register with a big smile on my face.  I was so happy that I just had to go next door and buy a pair of shoes!  I decided to live dangerously and get a wedged heel.  Ya'll know how clumsy I can be so we shall see what tomorrow brings when I walk around in them.  Though I best be careful because I don't want to twist an ankle or break a leg...I have much more walking to do.

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