Friday, March 2, 2012


It was not my intention to blog about every pound lost (I was going to check in every 5-10 or so once I reached the first goal) but how can I not post about my excitement. 

I went out last night after work, went to dinner, had a salad and some coconut shrimp.  Got up this morning to get on the scale (keep in mind I always get nervous getting on the scale after going out to eat, even when I know I didn't eat that much or that bad)  I totally expected to have the same number I had yesterday. 

Imagine my surprise when the scale told me I lost ANOTHER pound!   I was absolutely thrilled.  That makes 27 total.   I'm so close to 30 (remember how I like even numbers). 

The more the numbers go down, the more I believe in myself.  I am so glad I started this journey, it's already been an adventure.  I can't wait to see where it goes from here.


  1. I've always believed in you. You're a strong, determined and focused person. That's an awesome number! Amazing willpower - stronger than me! lol

  2. Hell yeah you should celebrate every pound - why not? You are working hard and every single pound is a victory!! I'm excited for ya girl!!

  3. Thank you guys. All of your support helps keep me motivated and excited about this. I'm in a really good place right now because of ya'll.
