Monday, June 25, 2012

The Next Step

It feels like it's been a long time since I've written even thought it's only been a week.  I've been enjoying time with my family who have been visiting from Florida. This was also a crazy week due to our annual dance recital. Still holding at my 47 pounds lost but that's fine since I've been a little lax on my exercising this week. Between the family visit, prepping for recital and the weather being hotter than 50 Shades of Grey, I missed my walks and just didn't have it in me to hop onto the eliptical.  Truth be told I just wanted to enjoy my late nights hanging with my brother knowing that once he left, exercise will still be there.

Recital this weekend was amazing and our annual afterparty was a blast and yes, I even enjoyed a small piece of cake.  Today it was back on the wagon, need to get those 3 pounds off as quickly as possible so I can hit the 50 pound mark.

Got home from work tonight and got back into the routine of walking.  As I walked, I started thinking about the next step and how I'm going to lose the next 50 pounds.  I've gotten used to portion control, there is still room for improvement of what I eat but that will come, I've started a regular exercise routine but it only consists of the eliptical and walking, eventually I'll join a gym.

So I was walking and thinking and I started thinking about running and jogging. I decided to give jogging a try.  I tried it and I loved it.  I couldn't believe that I was actually jogging.  I paced myself by doing some walking, then jogging, then walking and then jogging again.  And I couldn't believe that I enjoyed it.

The only thing I can compare it to is someone who is paralyzed and is told they will never be able to walk again only to put their mind to it and work so hard to prove that they can do it. The day they actually take those steps is amazing.  That's how I felt. 

I had never jogged in my entire life.  Remember, I'm the girl who is athletically challenged.  This may seem like such a small thing to some but to someone like me who has been overweight for so many years and who has never participated in any kind of exercise, this alone is a huge accomplishment.

 Bigger yet is that I actually did this in public.  I've always been so worried about what people think about me and what they think when they look at me and tonight, I didn't care, I felt so awesome.

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