Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Klondike (product review)

I found it...the PERFECT dessert for me!  May I remind you that Ice Cream is my absolute downfall.  If it were legal I'd marry it. 

In my constant search for safe foods to satisfy my sweet tooth I have stumbled upon a safe ice cream heaven.  Klondike (on a stick)  8 Bars in a pack for 2.99.  English Toffee and French Vanilla.  Made with low fat ice cream and you would never know it was low fat ice cream.  It is sooooo tasty.

Only 100 calories per bar.  This product was formerly known as Slim a Bear.  Now i think I've seen these in the store before but stuck my nose up at them, why, because the word Slim was in it.  Yes, I admit it, I'm a food snob. If it says diet, slim, healthy, or any other word that makes me think it may taste bad I won't give it the time of day.  I'm trying to change that.  Trying to be more open minded.

Now the box says that one serving is two bars that would be 200 calories. Stop right there...that hurts my brain.  I don't need two bars. One is just fine. Satisfying enough.  So we will have one bar for 100 calories, Klondike do not give me that option and tempt me by saying I can have two for one serving. 

There is also a note on the box saying this is NOT a low calorie food.  This confuses me, made with low fat ice cream but not a low fat food.  Well, I'll let that slide because all I know is that 100 calorie snacks are the way to go.  When I find a 100 calorie snack, I know that I don't have to think.. I have one and I'm good. 

On the back of the box there are other 100 calorie Klondike products listed, now that I know they are tasty I will try the res,t like Ice Cream Sandwiches, Chocolate Fudge and more.

Good move Klondike!

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