Tuesday, February 12, 2013

SPARKLING ICE (product review)

I find that when  you are dieting or changing your lifestyle it's so important to try new things, different things to keep you interested. 

I get tired of eating the same old things and am always looking for something new to switch it up.

Drinking water is very important.  I used to think that was a bunch of bull but it's true.  When I stick to my guns and drink my water daily I notice that my skin looks great.  Lately I've been slacking with the water and my skin is a bit dry and just doesn't have that healthy glow.  I also believe that when I'm drinking my water faithfully I eat less.

Let's face it water is good for you but it gets boring.  I just can't and won't go back to soda. I treat myself a little and have some gingerale now and then but it's so sweet. 

I've put lemon in my water, I like that.  Sometimes I'll use Crystal Light.  Tonight when I was at the market I decided to try something new.  Sparkling Ice.  I've seen it in the store lately but I kept on walking by. I'm very funny about trying flavored water.  I tried Vitamin Water. My cousin loves it, to me it tasted like Gatorade and I'm not a fan of that either.

I bought three bottles of Sparkling Ice.  They had lots of flavors to choose from.  I chose Pineapple-Coconut, Pink Graplefruit, and Lemonade.  It's a dollar for a 17 ounce bottle.

Sparkling Ice, Naturally flavored sparkling mountain spring water. ZERO CALORIES!  With Vitamins and Antioxidents.  It's the Vitamins and Antioxidents that usually stop me in my track. Still hesitant when there are "healthy" things involved -- old brain says "healthy = taste bad".

I tried my Pineapple Coconut and the result was..............................I LOVE IT!  Yes!  A new alternative to boring water. 

For more info you can go to www.sparklingice.com

Hmm, maybe someone from the sparkling ice company will see this review and send me a case (wink, wink).

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