Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Excuses, Excuses, Excuses and overcoming them again and again

It's so easy to fall back into the pattern of using excuses not to exercise.  It's difficult to overcome them. Seems like negativity is so easy while doing anything positive takes work. 

After falling from grace over the winter and settling in with ease in my comfy, pink recliner, happy to spend my evenings catching up on soaps, using excuses (as legitimate as they were) of various stresses such as financial, emotional etc.  there was always tomorrow. 

Spring had sprung and I made half hearted attempts at going to the gym until the excruciating pain of sciatica set in, again legitimate but and excuse I was somewhat happy to have to give up the exercise.

After some time, cortisone shots, and muscle relaxers,  the pain went away and I still couldn't get my ass off the comfy, pink chair.  Every night, settling in with my bowl of popcorn, almost Archie Bunker like (if there is anyone young enough reading this who does not get the Archie Bunker reference, you tube it).

I hadn't walked down to my basement in weeks because of the extreme pain I had been in but now that the pain was gone I made the attempt and found it quite difficult to go up and down the stairs, chalking it up to letting myself get extremely out of shape (yet again) something I vowed to never do. I guess never say never right?  I also noticed that I was having some shortness of breath just on the shortest of walks say from my car to my office.  I never said anything but I was really amazed at how I could go from walking miles to not even being able to walk 20 feet.

It was time to go for my physical (I had made the appoint back in January and it was now July). I had explained to my doctor that I had been doing so well with my weight loss journey and I just lost control again. I mentioned my shortness of breath as a side effect of gaining weight back. We discussed many things, such as seeing a dietician, medication etc.  She wrapped up by saying I want you to start walking again, and go get your bloodwork done.  Pretty routine stuff. 

I went on a Saturday that I did not have to work and went about my day. Around 2:00 on a that Saturday, I get a frantic call from my doctor telling me to get to the hospital right away.  She rattled off a bunch of information that I just didn't understand. I was in a bit of a shock being told that I had to go to the hospital now.  All I heard was your bloodwork came back extremely abnormal (me, freaking out thinking, oh God, I'm dying...I've got cancer...etc.)  the she tells me that there are two numbers I need to write down, my hemoglobin was 7.2 (it should be 12-14) and some other big word I can't remember but basically it was my oxygen level was a 24 and should be 35.  She continued on saying I may need a blood transfusion and at this point all I heard was Charlie Brown's mother (wahh wahh wahh).  

Long story short, my low oxygen level was the real reason behind the shortness of breath, I did not get the blood transfusion but they did send me to see about 5 different doctors in a weeks time.  I've since been taking my iron faithfully and feel amazing.  Sounds strange but I did not realize that I wasn't feeling well. 

Now that the health issues seem to be out of the way it's time to get back to it, time to get real.  I started Monday getting up early (no joke...those who know me well know I'm not a morning person) but yes, been hitting the gym for mini work outs, back home to shower and get to work.  Tonight I walked a mile.  I'm not going to wasn't easy. It's pretty much like starting over.  So I did the gym this morning and a walk tonight.  I did the mile in 20 minutes, not too bad as when I stopped walking I was doing a mile in 15 minutes.  

A friend of mine told me today that there is such a difference in  my mood when I work out and the encouraging words of "you can do this" kept me moving on my walk tonight.  I know that this is all me, my journey, but every little piece of encouragement motivates me.  It's like a quilt. Small words from all of my friends woven together to make my journey a success.

It really all works together, watching what I eat, exercising and writing.  If I stop doing one, the rest stops also.  So I must keep going I have much to accomplish. 

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