Sunday, May 11, 2014

Back on the road

Hello, Hello......It feels good to be writing again.

It's been a very long and depressing winter. I have been a very bad girl, bad with eating, bad with exercising and bad with writing.  I wasn't in a "I want to kill myself" depression but I know it was a depression none the less.  One would ask why? What on earth does she possibly have to be depressed about, she has a good job, a wonderful family, health so what's the issue?

Honestly I couldn't tell you. It wasn't any one thing in particular,  just got myself in some kind of funk.  But today the sun is out, the weather is warm and I've had a wave of inspiration this weekend.  Honestly the winter weather sure didn't help things. I need my sunshine. It's finally here.

So, here I go...back on the road to thin.  I am finally feeling that fire again that first prompted me on my journey.

Though at this time the exact source of my inspiration is something I want to keep private (it may be revealed in my book) I will say that you can hear things over and over and it gets ignored, but then you hear it one more time, or maybe someone different says it and something clicks and makes you think, and boom, you've got your inspiration.

Went grocery shopping today and bought fruits and veggies and ZERO junk!  Good start.

Mom used to tell me that every day you have a chance to start is that day.

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