Monday, January 21, 2013

The January Blues

It's cold and snowy out tonight. I'm tired. As usual, I have too much on my proverbial plate. The holidays may be over but I've been sick with the nasty flu/cold strain that's been making the rounds.  I'm in the middle of planning a fundraiser for a friend, I have my son's 10th birthday party to throw together for the first weekend in February, I'm away the next two weekends for dance competition, The last weekend in February is the only time left for my daughter's birthday celebration and that leaves me to move my own birthday celebration to sometime in March, If I can even find time then.

For those of you who don't know my daughter shares my birthday with  me on February 20th and my son was born on February 19th. Crazy right?  Throw in Valentines day, work, dance schedules, wrestling....Calgon take me away.

I still need time to blog, to work on my book and go to the gym.  Whew! 

Yes, I'm tired and I have the January blues.  But I will not give up, I must keep at it.  Afterall, in a blink spring will be here and I threw away all  my shorts from last year that were too big.

I'm setting my goal, can I hit 30 pounds by June?  I am going to give it my very best shot.  How I long to walk into a store this year and have my choice of shorts.  I want to go crazy and buy a whole new summer wardrobe.  But I can only do that if I get the rest of this weight off.

I always try to keep these blogs and my attitude positive so, focusing on a positive, I received for Christmas a pair of exercise pants.  I looked at the tag and the size was an XL.  Hmmm, thanks for the compliment I thought but these will never fit me.  A XXL or XXXL maybe.  I shoved them  in my drawer thinking that someday I'll fit into them.  Last week when I couldn't find my old faithful workout pants, I said, "let me try these on just to see"  Well I'll be....what do you know, they fit! Ha, look at that, I fit into pants not purchased at a plus size store.  Amazing.

Now I do have to say I have definately conquered Girl Scout Cookies because those little cutie pies have been ringing my doorbell and guess what.....I haven't bought any, haven't even been tempted.  A little white lie is all I needed...Sorry, I already bought them from my daughters troop.  My daughter is no longer a girl scout but they don't need to know.

I have not been able to conquer the carbs though. That is next on my list.  I've really got to cut back.  Went shopping and loaded up on fruit, so, i'm going to try to replace my breads and pastas with fruits and veggies.  I also am going to try my hardest to get 20 minutes in the am on the eliptical. 

It's all about change and I have to do this. 

I already have my spring/summer plan...walk to the gym, do my weights and walk home.

I have to give a shoutout to my friend Jen....the last couple weeks she's been keeping me on track when I've wanted to stray or take a night off from the gym she's been the one reminding me of where I want to be. So Thank you Jen!

OK here we go....phase two.....entering the completion phase.

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