Thursday, October 24, 2013

Juggling the balls of life

Well, it's been awhile since I've "blogged".  I haven't had a whole hec of a lot to say.  Hope you have all found my facebook page of the same blog title "The Road to Thin". 

Not being one to be able to sit still and enjoy idle time, I'm going back to my old part time job. Yes, it appears that the universe thinks I have too much time on my hands.  Truth be told, money is tight, as I'm sure it is in lots of homes right now.  Not only have I spent half my life being an over eater, I'm an over spender as well.  It's time to look at the future. Yes, I'm getting my self physically fit, and healthy but it's time to get financially fit as well.  With a soon to be 16 year old daughter and a son who will be hitting the teenage years before I know it, it's time to start thinking about the cars they will need, that big insurance bill and college. 

It all goes hand in hand when  you think about it, do you know I have not been to a Dunkin Donuts in three weeks?  I haven't gone out for lunch in over a month.  This is remarkable as I used to go out to lunch every day. So, not only am I saving a ton of money but I'm eating much healthier. 

It seems to me that I'm much more organized an on my toes when I'm my busiest.  It will take some getting used to again. I have my full time job, then I'll be working an extra job, juggling the two kids, activities, and everything else.  There will be differences this time around. When I was working the two jobs before, I'd leave one, stop at Dunkin Donuts or the local market and pick up some kind of snack.  Sometimes we'd order take out at work.  This time, with my new thriftyness, I'll be bringing a snack, and planning ahead. 

There are other things I will have to juggle as well, like when to go to the gym. Ideally I'd love to go in the morning, like say 6ish, but anyone who knows me well, knows that I can never get up before 7.  This will be interesting.  I will also need to find time for my writing. 

I made it work before, I can do it again. 

A little off topic but I have to kids are amazing.  When I told them that I had to go back to the part time job and that we all have to stick to a strict budget, I thought I'd get a lot whining and complaining.  Not these two. They said ok, and have not asked for a single thing and they completely understand. I'm very proud of them.

So, I start my new schedule next Wednesday.  I'll be working Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and every other Saturday, Every other Sunday.  Of course Thursday is Halloween, but this could be a very good thing.  Perhaps when I get home all the trick or treat candy will be gone and the kids will have hidden theirs. 

Until next time, be well.

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